Category: Biographies & Memoirs,
My Memoir
By: Victor G. Stanley
$2.99 – $28.64
About the Book
The Good Lord gave us 10 commandments, with wisdom to find the 11th, and that one is gratitude the 10thcommandment 11th and gratitude is the bed sock for success. Take this example, we often sit down and pray before we eat but we do not pray to say thanks for the good meal. Success in life is based on gratitude. Other ward we must give and take. In our society, we take but never give back. Another example is our trees that their leaves in winter. They fall to the ground to turn into nutrients to keep the alive to bear fruits for us the next season. Our society is filled with people who take and never give back anything.
About the Author
The author, Dr. Victor G. Stanley, is a retired professor who spent the last 35 years helping poor students to achieve their goals in life. Dr. Stanley was raised by a single mother in rural Jamaica, and the first in the family and the community to go to high school. High school was for the privileged, not for someone like him. A trade of some sort if you were lucky, was good enough for most poor kids. To go to high school and on to college was a dream come true. With the help of some great people he was successful. The university where he worked as a professor was very good to him. He had no money to give back to the university, so he gave back by teaching and mentoring poor students to also realize their dreams. Many are now doctors and lawyers. Dr. Stanley or “V.G.” as a family with two successful children. His daughter, Dr. Christine Stanley, holds a PhD, and is a Regents Professor of Higher Education at Texas A&M University, and son, Dr. Robin -Charles Stanley, is a Chiropractor In Dallas, Texas. His wonderful wife Mavis, helped and supported the family to find their way. Thanks to God, and with no money, he had a successful career. Dr. Stanley received his PhD from Texas A&M University, MSc. from Iowa State University, and BSc. from Tuskegee University.
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