Category: Poetry,
A Year of the Haiku
Journeying to Moonshadow
By: James Maxfield
$3.99 – $9.95
About the Book
A Year of the Haiku features 365 new haiku poems by James Maxfield written as a year-long experiment of composing one haiku poem each day during the year 2013 using only the words provided by Haikubes-a set of sixty-three die pieces with five words on each piece. The book includes a detailed preface about the author’s process and experience writing this collection as well as a brief but scholarly introduction to haiku poetry suitable for the beginner or the experienced haiku poet.
About the Author
James Maxfield has been writing poetry since the late 1960s and has taught college English and composition, creative writing, and other English courses since 2003 in northeast Ohio. He is currently editing two other collections of his poetry as well as an insightful investigation on the union of poetic theory, metaphor, and mathematics.
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