Category: Social Science,
Can You Have Justice without Empathy?
Engage principled thinking grounded in empathy to support a corporate Code of Ethics
By: Otto B. Toews, Ph.D.
$2.99 – $25.99
About the Book
When I conducted an informal survey of middle to old-age folks representing a range of professionals and tradespeople on the question, Can you have justice without empathy? most answered, “NO! You cannot have justice without empathy.” A few said, “I don’t know.”
How might CEOs answer this question? Does it matter? My informal survey suggests that the public would say YES, it does matter.
CAN YOU HAVE JUSTICE WITHOUT EMPATHY? outlines how empathy can and must serve as a foundation for exercising principled thinking to resolve conflicts in pursuit of justice. Both emotional intelligence (empathy) and cognitive intelligence (principled thinking) are needed to resolve conflicts.
This book is written for students in business colleges and corporate management teams to enhance their ability to make just and fair decisions. Hypothetical conflict scenarios and conversation challenge users to work through conflicts that arise in companies.
About the Author
Dr. Otto Toews had a primary commitment to education throughout his career, though it took different forms from classroom teacher, principal, assistant superintendent, and teaching university graduate students. This was followed by the development of educational software with Apple, courseware for Microsoft, and the development of a website on grammar and writing resources for students in remote villages in Malaysia and China.
In his Ph. D., he developed a framework for exercising discretion to pursue justice in administration which became the framework for his book, SO YOU THINK YOU CAN THINK?
His wife, Joan McCreath, was actively engaged in many of his initiatives including the focus on empathy in this book.
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