Category: Religion & Spirituality,
Christ In You
The Hope of Glory
By: Dr. Billy J. Owensby
$2.99 – $7.30
About the Book
The Book of Colossians is known as one of the Prison Epistles. The authorship is attributed to the Apostle Paul and strong evidence of that in seen within the letter to the church at Colossae. Colossians is one of the shortest of Paul’s letters, yet it is one of the most exciting. Paul most
likely wrote this letter while he was a prisoner in Rome in A.D. 62. Colossians is referred to as the sister Epistle of Ephesians, also a prison Epistle. The evidence of this is seen in the fact that seventy-five verses found in the letter of Colossians are found in the Ephesian letter also.
The verse-by-verse exposition of Colossians and also the book of Philemon will give the serious Bible student a greater understanding of the text and theme of these books. The central theme of Colossians is none other than the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. Philemon could be seen as having many themes such as Christian courtesy, Christian brotherhood, forgiveness, the law of love, and the saving power of Jesus Christ. These two short writings of the Apostle Paul will be a great inspiration to all who seek to learn more about Christ In You, the hope of glory.
About the Author
Dr. Billy J. Owensby is a native of Commerce, Georgia. He is married to Deborah (Poole) Owensby. They have two grown children, Jeremy and Ryan who are both married. Dr. Owensby and his wife Deborah have six grandchildren and four great grandchildren.
Currently Dr. Owensby is serving as the Discipleship Pastor of Nails Creek Baptist Church in Homer, Georgia. He has also pastored other church in Louisiana and in Northeast Georgia. He is the founder of North Georgia Baptist Theological Seminary (www.ngbts.com).
Dr. Owensby has authored other works in addition to this study on Colossians.
The Expositor’s Notes: Selected Sermons
The Expositor’s Notes: 1 Timothy
The Expositor’s Notes: 1-2-3 John
(Genuine Christianity)
Ephesians: Breaking Down The Walls
James: From Belief To Behavior
Revelation, The Time Is Near
Jonah, The Runaway Prophet
The Shepherd Psalm (Psalm 23)
The Prophetic Story of the Kinsman Redeemer
(Studies In Ruth)
Any of the following studies can be acquired by sending a request to the email: [email protected].
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