Category: Reference, Religion & Spirituality,
God and Human
By: Gregory L. Booth
$2.99 – $11.99
About the Book
This book is a work which I started some years ago. It was compiled into the form which it is now. This book is about man’s true enemy; Evil.
I hope this book will be a serious message that may evangelize any person who will read it. My hope is it will stir anyone’s mind to ask questions people always have when searching for answers which trouble their lives. While investigating the information in this book, by doing the research in the reference section of this book; it may help in the understanding of what is written in this book: it may clear up some of those questions.
This book investigates the power evil has in the lives of people. Evil is one of Gods spiritual creations. This evil is present with man either dwelling in the mind or expressed by the presentations which men see and hear through their daily lives. It is the result of the fallen nature of man.
Many people are wondering why “this” is; (whatever that may be) happening to me. This is my attempt to show there is an enemy which is very capable of messing up anyone’s life. The good news is; there is someone that desires to make a way for you to be delivered from attacks in your life by taking you through whatever the enemy (the Devil) can throw at you. Without the help of God no one can overcome the whiles of the enemy to your soul.
The Gospel of Jesus; that being what he brought into the world through the teachings and healing which he did, as well as casting out evil spirits, and teaching his disciples to be able to do all the things which he did under the anointing of his Spirit. Jesus also paid a price for making a way for all men that would believe in him to have everlasting life through salvation. This price was paid on the cross by being falsely accused of sin which requires death to all who sin; Jesus was nailed to a cross and died to pay for the sins of the world. Again the good news is that the grave could not hold him, as he rose up from the grave three days later, and again ministered to his disciples. Jesus was also seen
of many people, and rose up into the heavens to be with the father and to intercede for our salvation.
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