Category: Educational,
Miniature Circus Model Builder
A Miniature Circus Model Builder's Handbook
By: Rodney & Sandria Mushero
$2.99 – $35.63
About the Book
This book offers various levels of model building projects. In this book you will find patterns for sewing your first circus tent, how to build seats for the audience, wooden train cars and even how to make junk stands. I have sections on where to find materials, such as wagon wheels, small nails, wood glue and other necessities.
There are plenty of colored pictures and diagrams to look at. Also, information on where to find articles that pertain to building your circus.
You will also find my own story of circus building from when I was young until now.
About the Author
Born and raised in Lincoln Maine, it was my mom who helped my build my first circus. My love for the circus grew and I joined a circus modeling club where I learned to build a circus to scale. For over sixty years I have been building and sending my circuses all over the world. In my travels for work I have set up my own circus in malls, old factories and even the New York State Fair. My tents have appeared in the Little Circus Magazine may times. I also own and operate the Circus Model Store.
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