Category: Poetry,
My Dreams
Humanly Impossible; Supernaturally Possible
By: Waverly Shaw Creecy Knight
$2.99 – $33.97
About the Book
For a season, my dreams seemed humanly impossible. There were times I would daydream about life without challenges. Then, I began to daydream about life without Christ. It didn’t take long to realize with Christ in my life, each challenge would become a stepping stone to a better life. My daydreams have now become dreams that are supernaturally possible for me to achieve.
About the Author
The author, who is a published poet, enjoys writing poetry for any occasion as seen in her book. She uses different genres for the narrative in each of her collection of poems. She is a retired Educator from the Camden County School System in Camden, North Carolina.
She is a proud high school honor graduate of Marian Anderson High School, Camden, NC and this is where she began her career as a Teacher Assistant. Before going back to Camden, she returned to Elizabeth City State University (ECSU – Viking Pride) where she was an honor graduate with a B.S. Degree in Intermediate Education (4-9), then she worked in Elizabeth City, NC (Pasquotank County) as a Secretary in a Special Program at the H.L.Trigg School. After that, she became the Secretary in the Office of the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs/Student Teaching at ECSU, Elizabeth City, NC.
She went back to her High School Alma Mater and the school was renamed Camden Middle School where she, then, began her career as a Language Arts/Math Teacher and taught until her retirement.
Before her retirement, she used her summers and weekends to teach High School Students (9-12th graders) in her chosen field in The Upward Bound Program for many years on the campus of ECSU. The author enjoyed her career working with students in Camden and Pasquotank Counties. She was able to work with many students in the area of poetry, as well as other subjects that she taught. She used her God-given gift to assist students and hopefully, by reading her book, it will bring back memories of long ago and most of all, will allow one to find peace in the midst of a challenge, just as she has done.
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