Category: Fiction, Religion & Spirituality,
Old Timers Day
By: Richard Lopresto
$2.99 – $11.70
About the Book
A good friend of mine invited me to attend church service at Central Church in Henderson, Nevada several years ago. I was so grateful for the invitation because my soul was longing for something deeper than my personal spirituality. The first service I attended was truly amazing and I thoroughly enjoyed it with all my heart and soul. I have never experienced a church service like this in my entire life. I could not wait to return to Central Church the following week with my friend. During my second visit The Lord spoke to me and laid on my heart to write the story “Old Timers Day”. I had not written anything for many years, and I knew I needed help to complete this book properly. Thankfully my best friend and mentor Jerry Schafer, an award-winning writer, producer and director agreed to co-author the book! It is my sincere desire and prayer to develop a screenplay worthy of this heartwarming tale and turn “Old Timers Day” into a major motion picture!
Please enjoy “Old Timers Day”.
All glory to our Lord and Savior!
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