Category: Mystery, Thriller,
PEE WEE: Serial Killer or Homicidal Maniac
A Novelized True Crime Story, Volume II
By: O. Grady Query
$2.99 – $23.90
About the Book
Volume II of PEE WEE, Serial Killer or Homicidal Maniac, focuses on the courtroom drama of his several trials and appeals. Readers that enjoy trial strategy, courtroom personalities and the cloakroom maneuvering of the criminal courts will find a plethora of intriguing twists and turns. Seemingly foregone outcomes are reversed by national events or by the local politics of the farmlands of South Carolina that stubbornly resist change. It is replete with excerpts from actual trial transcriptions and transcripts of out of court statements given under oath. Despite his numerous murder convictions Gaskins manages time and again to avoid the death penalty in real life by virtue of unexpected events that could seemingly occur only in fiction. Told by an attorney intimately involved in the cases, there are pithy descriptions of battles fought in and out of the courtroom on the one hand and on the other of the camaraderie between adversaries. Both often lead to unpredictable outcomes. Pee Wee Gaskins describes the murders to which he will plead guilty in his own words. At the same time by either omission or outright lies, he avoids the inclusion of those murders for which he does not want to admit responsibility. Finally, in one of the most incredible crimes imaginable, the tiny killer foils the safeguard systems of a maximum security penitentiary to murder a fellow death row inmate with plastic explosives.
About the Author
GRADY QUERY is a practicing attorney in Charleston, South Carolina. He has written the story of Pee Wee Gaskins, based on his years of representation of the diminutive mass murderer. Court appointed to represent Gaskins Query spent hundreds of hours in court, visiting crime scenes, interviewing witnesses and simply listening to his client. This book while fictional is based largely upon those experiences and the direct information gleaned from his time with Gaskins.
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