Category: Fantasy, Fiction,
Philantasy, The Reality of Imagination
By: Ralph Pilolli
$2.99 – $12.49
About the Book
The title of this book presents to its reader a variety of unusual imaginary stories, as did book one, ‘LAND OF PHILANTASY’, which is also featured on this jacket. Subjects are variations and situations of many crimes and consequences, plus children’s imaginary world. Part of this book is a sequel to book one: its cover page is featured in the center of this book’s cover.
Two short story books, ‘LAND of PHILANTASY’, ‘PHILANTASY, The REALITY of IMAGINATION’, plus a third book, a novel ‘RING AROUND the CIRCLE’. Many of my short stories are written from every day thoughts. Look on if you want to read the unusual, in a category you may fit into, or maybe not. Step into the ‘LAND of PHILANTASY’ to find the depths of your imagination.
About the Author
Twelve years of Catholic School; liking, loving, learning, understanding and accepting all the unanswered questions had a universal word. A word I believed fully until the church started changing the rules. Even that, with reservation, was –OK! I’ll hang on to the magic word. Next came the most precious of all to be changed, the communication between the creator and myself, the meditation of the mass. This was what tainted the magical, universal word. This word needed answers. Through much reading, thinking, conversing and meditation. A philosophy about life and death has given me my magic universal word back, my magic word is again untainted you will see it in my writings. It is called “FAITH,” “FAITH OF LIFE”, and “FAITH OF DEATH”. It is called “UNIVERSAL FAITH.”
I was literally coerced into writing a weekly auto racing column in a fairly large newspaper. This expanded into an additional bi-weekly column in a popular auto racing paper. The point being, a writer is generally told, write what you know best.
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