Category: General, Poetry, Uncategorized,
STOP trying to prove YOU’RE right AND START proving GOD is right
By: Eugene Abe
$2.99 – $23.90
About the Book
“This book was impressed on me by the Lord, to wright these messages in poetic form. Never did anything like this in my life. As God would give me little titles I would wright them on paper which I kept in my pocket. Then most times within a week or two it would end up as a sermon in poetic form. This book covers multiple subjects which each of us face in life.
This book is designed for whoever reads this book, to cause you to think things out, and then to form your own thinking as how God would have you process it.
The emphasis of this book is to read and study it with an open mind, as you study the scriptures on your own. The reason there are few scriptures in this book is to cause you to want to search the scriptures yourself, to prove whether it is right or wrong. That is why God’s word informs us in 2 Timothy 2: 15, “Study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
This scripture informs us that we are to study God’s word in order to find what God requires of us, what he empresses on our heart as taught by Jesus to us in Matthew 25: 14-30.
When we read and study God’s Word, read it with an open mind, asking him what he has for you today. We will never know it all, for we will keep learning till Jesus comes, or we leave this earth. Never allow people to put a guilt trip on you that you must know it all.”
About the Author
It has been an amazing journey for this 74 year old man which has been a Christian for 62 years. Yet it has taken him to heights in the Lord, which he never dreamed possible. This has been an amazing journey for him as God has put a zeal in his heart like never before.
For a man which never liked to study, and English was one of his worst subjects, yet God has put a hunger in his heart to be sure he knows the word properly. He has taken to heart, that he can be wrong in his thinking, and that he is more than willing to change to God’s way rather than his own thinking. He is not interested in man’s thoughts, but only God’s. Knowing That Christ is coming soon.
Because of his hunger for the truth, God woke him up one night and gave him the thought, which has become the title of this book. He is totally convinced that any one which puts this truth in effect in their life, their life will be totally renewed in Christ. So much of the teaching which he once embraced was proven to be nothing but half-truth. It has given him a greater zeal than ever before, to find truth.
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