Category: Fiction,
Story of Achu
By: Andrew Pappachen
$2.99 – $10.86
About the Book
Story of Achu
Poverty & Despair, Kingdom & Feudalism, Second World War & Indian Independence, Socialism & Capitalism, love & disappointment, Finance & Economy, Investment & Wealth, Pandemic & Death
When we were born as a child, we had no idea about who we were, where we were, who our parents were, what our ethnic background was, was born to poor or rich parents, our future, where we are going to end up what will be the challenges that life brings. The ways our life leads into various stages depend on the circumstances, where we are born and also to some extend influenced by unknown factors beyond our control, yet life is enduring. Whatever the circumstances, wherever we are and whatever happens to us, life takes us through many uncertainties, many incidents, many experiences and lot of different stages. Coincidently, when I decided to write this book in early March 2020, when the news of Pandemic of Covid-19 started. Daily routines have changed with a complete shutdown of normal life; businesses and social activities completely stopped; safeguarding from the virus infection became more important than schools, work, religious worships and all other human activities. This book is about life itself. In my previous book ZERO TO INFINITY, after narrating the origin of Universe and life on earth in both scientific and religious perspectives, I tried to find answer to the question, what is the meaning or purpose of human life. I could neither define the meaning of human life nor how long life will exist on earth. Everything seems to be infinite or endless for billions of years. We do not know whether human life will evolve into something else or the World itself will change or even life flourishes in other planets in the Universe. In this book I shall examine the human endeavor in terms of life itself without looking into culture, location and economic condition. Humans think and act similarly everywhere struggling through day to day events and activities to survive. Getting wealthy is everybody’s ambition, but very few people in the World become wealthy. Wealthy does not mean happy.
Achu Narayanan is a fictional character born in 1940 in a very poor farm worker family in Kerala, India. He takes advantage of the educational opportunities in that State, ultimately migrates to USA for higher studies and become a wealthy investment banker. The story is written with the background of contemporary political, cultural and economic situations so that readers can travel through the time.
About the Author
Andrew Pappachen, who migrated from India to USA in 1973 has been living in New Jersey ever since. He has taken a Master Degree in Environmental Engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology, New Jersey and a Certificate in Public Administration from Rutgers University. He has been working in government for the last 46 years, retired in 2018 as Director of Public Works. From 2012-2019 he served as the Environmental Commissioner in Montville Township, where he lives. Andrew currently is an Environmental Consultant and a New Jersey State certified water distribution system and water treatment operator with W4 and T4 licenses.
Andrew Pappachen has published several books both in English and his mother tongue Malayalam. His English publications are, Love With The Ghost. Journey Alone, Rays of Light From The Darkness of A Prison Cell and Zero to Infinity. Zero to Infinity is a scientific, cultural and historic narration of origin of Universe and Life on Earth and travel through various stages of Human development. He also explores the infinite size of the Universe and the very minute size of Earth in comparison to the size of endless Universe with billions of galaxies and trillions of stars. He also explores various religions and the existence of God.
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