Category: Fiction,
The Handmaiden’s Diary
By: Bob Williston
$2.99 – $27.82
About the Book
What does it take to live a pious life? For the sober, devout, naive young Edith it meant foregoing the love of her life … and she entered into an unhappy and disastrous marriage to a dashing, narcissistic reprobate whom her pastor considered a worthily righteous mate. Her only compensation for her miserable situation were her two children who worshiped her.
For her timid young daughter, Amber, it meant foregoing a comforting married life for a celibate pastoral life in the community of her mother’s reportedly enlightened and judicious childhood pastor. But Amber kept a diary, and when her Pandora’s diary was abruptly opened one day, no one but she and Edith found freedom from the evils hidden beneath the pastoral exhibition of piety.
About the Author
Bob Williston was raised in Miramichi, New Brunswick, and is a graduate of the University of New Brunswick. His post-graduate schools have included Université Laval, Boston University, and College of Southern Nevada. His career included teacher of French, English Language, U.S. History, and Political Science in several provinces of Canada and Nevada. For a short time he taught Character Education at a middle school for juvenile delinquents. As well, he served in one session of the Nevada Legislature as Secretary to the Senate Finance Committee. He is now retired and living in Las Vegas, Nevada.
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