Category: Motivational & Inspirational, Religion & Spirituality,
The Keys To Prosperity Manifestation
By: Wallace W. Frazier
$2.99 – $26.42
About the Book
The Keys To Prosperity Manifestation; Love, Faith, Truth, Beauty and Goodness focuses on the process by which we bring to fruition and make manifest the Object(s) of our Faith. The object(s) of faith are the spiritual, material and physical things we seek as a matter of need and/or that we desire.
While many people don’t particularly believe in Jesus as the Christ or believe in Him at all, this book reveals who He was as a human and who he was and is as Deity. The book also seeks to educate the reader about who we are as sons and daughters of GOD and the ability that we have to make manifest not only our needs and desires but the needs and desires of others. It seeks to inform the reader about what Jesus meant about the miracles he performed when he said, “ these things and greater things than these shall you do.”
The Keys To Prosperity Manifestation; Love, Faith, Truth, Beauty and Goodness goes beyond the traditional and primitive concepts of faith as perceived from biblical scripture, giving the reader a more enlightened concept of faith and how it is applied to make manifest the objects that our faith is directed toward.
About the Author
For more than twenty years Wallace has researched various versions of the bible and other religious material in search of the religion ‘of’ Jesus, rather than the religion ‘about’ Him. He perceived that knowing the religion that the Christ practiced and lived would give him the ability to make manifest the objects of his faith… and it did!
Ironically, it was while doing research in the bible that he discovered the name Melchizedek, a person that Jesus was compared to twice, once in the old testament and once in the new testament. It was while researching Melchizedek that he discovered the Urantia Book, and this book opened a whole new panorama of truth, not only about Melchizedek, but about GOD, the universe and about the life and teachings of Jesus and so much more.
Wallace began his religious life as a Christian but he perceived that he was not progressing spiritually. Then, after reading and studying the Urantia Book, it resonated with him and he became a Jesusonian in practice and it has benefitted him and his family greatly.
Wallace is a native of Oklahoma, where he continues to reside with his wonderful wife of over 40 years.
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