Category: Motivational & Inspirational,
The Moment I Should Have Bounced
By: Ray Brown
$2.99 – $9.99
About the Book
This book is parts of my life I examined to further clear any misconceptions on my behalf of how things could have been. I began writing this book while thinking back on the relationships and the many times I did not recognize my moment to bounce. I’ve learned life does not fit neatly in a box. Life experiences good or bad have a way of shaping you early on it can either make you strong or break you down. My upbringing in church, family, friends, and relationships all shaped my life for the better. Everyone needs to recognize their moment to bounce it’s always there just look for it.
About the Author
Raymond Brown was born in the south Bronx section of NY.I attended CS 134 went on to St. Peter and Paul middle school. I graduated Chelsea Vocational High School and went on to graduate from The College of Mount Saint Vincent with my Bachelor of the Arts in Psychology /Biology. I currently practice Nursing as a career. My life started as bumpy one and in no way were we rich. I was always asked by adults where do I see myself in the coming years by people that cared to listen.
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