Category: Religion & Spirituality,
The Secret of Life: Development of the Spiritual Consciousness
By: Sorocaima Salerno
$2.99 – $11.99
About the Book
In this work, the concept of the spiritual search as an internal and individual experience is excellently reflected, without impositions or fundamentalism, from the first page to the last. The author expresses himself with great clarity, demonstrates extensive knowledge of the spiritual principles that he exposes, and manages to develop each topic in an organized and comprehensible way. He seeks to precisely convey and transmit these principles, in a way that captivates the reader. Sorocaima Salerno has been a student of the world’s Mystics for more than 50 years. The premature and tragic loss of loved ones deeply impacted his youth and launched him into a profound search for the meaning of the human experience that laid the foundation for this book. For thousands of years, religious teachings around the world have indoctrinated the belief in a God separate from us, watching and ruling from above, who does not exist. It is these misconceptions about God that are the cause of all the problems and misfortunes that human beings face every day. He challenges these notions using the core universal principles of the Mystics, from Jesus Christ to Gautama Buddha, emphasizing the common threads between their teachings and illustrating practical ways to apply them to develop our own spiritual awareness. The Secret of Life, as the title suggests, is showing us the door that must be opened to experience our eternity in harmony and Truth, and handing us the key to liberate ourselves. This book will give you not only an answer to the mysteries of human life but also the solution. “You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free” (John 8:32)
About the Author
Sorocaima believes helping others to develop their spiritual sense is one’s highest calling; the most important service one can give and receive. He currently resides in California, dedicated to his family, his export trading company, and his tireless endeavors to sow the Truth in the consciences of all those who seek it. For more information, please visit the website: http://secretodelavida.com
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