Category: Fiction, General,
Witness to my Last Judgement
A Modern Version of the Traditional Near-Death Experiences
By: Marie-Emily Sendrea
$2.99 – $18.99
About the Book
Dee-Anna is an upper-class woman and a resident of a well-preserved suburb in Michigan, where only the elite build their treasured nests. This classy lady found herself in the throes of a terrifying adventure that pushed her to the brink of her sanity. “With every day that passed, it became a burden hard to endure,” Dee-Anna confesses, “and I complained of pains all over my body. ‘Anxiety,’ my doctor explained. ‘Overstressed,’ was a specialist’s opinion. I was the only one who knew the truth. I needed to unburden my mind and heart; I needed to shift this torment onto a listener…” And then she added: “You might be the only one to believe me without ruining my name. I don’t care of you spread the word. On the contrary, I really want you to share my experience with others.”
Witness to my Last Judgement meets the criteria to be considered a mind-changer. When the reader finishes the final pages of this book and finds out Dee-Anna’s hidden secret, to follow will be some immediate soul-searching. The reader will then be able to unveil each of the hidden secrets tucked deeply in the back of his or her brain.
I would like my readers to fully enjoy reading this story as much as the admirers of my artwork enjoy the dreamlike stories illustrated on my canvas. As a professional artist, I have dedicated a good part of my life to personal artwork as well as to educational art projects, which can be viewed at http://www.marie-emilysendrea.com
About the Author
“As a Christian storyteller, I use my God-given talents in the areas of writing and painting, while narrating the drama of earthly life on canvas and on paper. Thus, my first book, entitled The Price: Stop My Time I Want To Get Off was published in 1997 by Benchmark Publishing & Design. In 2010, the Bible League, Bucharest, Romania published the first, and in 2012 the second edition of my book, entitled Understanding the Bible. The third book, Confused Souls is still waiting to be published soon.
As a subjective-surrealist artist, I fill my canvases with unique observations collected from my own daily life. Hence, I had the honor of having my artwork displayed in solo and group exhibitions. In his letter addressed to me, George Bush, former President of the United States, acknowledged his reception of one of my paintings, entitled The One Is Yet To Come.
As an art teacher, I try to help my students depict scenes that represent the realities of life. The art competitions that I have won – mostly linked to the government – sponsored art project, called artist-in-residence programs – helped me to teach gifted students truths that are considered very complicated by many, but that can become simple rules of life if represented through art.
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