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The Art of Norma Forss Portraits
George Forss
About the Book
There are three things I want you to know about my mother, Norma Forss:
1. She was always an uninhibited non-conformist.
2. She was always having fun in her life.
3. She had a magical charm about her like no one I have known. She had a charm that is very much like her photography.I would say that all three of these traits are due to a great natural spirit of self-assurance she possessed. Self assurance is a great facility to have in our living experience but it can be fraught with danger while it lasts. Somehow, it seems as though a person who is so free from conformity is going to get into trouble all the time. Borrowing another slang phrase from my mother’s time, you could say this pet chant phrase …
You’re gonna get yours!About the Author
George Forss is an acclaimed photographer who has had his day in court already, so to speak. You can say this, but I am also preoccupied with a special phenomenon that has inspired theologians and philosophers and has spawned millions of religions – as well as debates – through the ages. In fact, I have been doing this even before I was discovered for my photography. I am exploring Spirituality and Existence to this day. I have been doing this, on and off, for more than 35 years. I have much acclaim for my photography so I can live with a degree of freedom. I am exploring the spirituality of my mother in this book. I am very fortunate. I am glad I can to do this book and thankful for all the people I have come to know. I was living in NYC when renowned photographer David Douglas Duncan discovered me in 1980. Duncan produced a book of my photos called: New York New York: Masterworks of a Street Peddler. My trademark is my black and white photography, which has been shown in some of the most prestigious galleries and museums. I have been featured in major publications and I have been the subject of two documentaries. In 2009 I self-published my book ENOS Prayers and Rewards of Mercy after Enos / The Innocuous Science-Strategy of GOD in Life. 730 pages. You can tell by this title and length of this book that I am serious about the subject at hand. It has been said that I have a unique and fascinating submission, which provides the reader with the author’s insightful perspectives and offerings of alternative wisdom regarding a myriad of theoretical and universal questions and quandaries. In 2014 I self published a picture book with anecdotes about my years in NYC when I was active as a street peddler selling black and white photos in New York City. I invented this. I was the first one ever to sell personal photography this way. My book is entitled The Way We Were This book is about my pictures of NYC that made me famous taken in the period of 1972 to 1988. I garnered a good Kirkus Review for this book. I have four more unpublished homespun religious books. I am currently working on a new book entitled The Religion of ENOS / A compilation of the religious ideas found in my five adroitly playful series books of ENOS. Search my name,\ George Forss. Also – Forssblog – Facebook/ George Forss and my NYC gallery to find out more. Orders and queries: 518 538 9938 and www.fineartamerica. com A disk or a memory stick of my mother’s photography is available for $39.
The Anointing Exposes the Deeds of the Flesh
Merits Henry
About the Book
The Time Has Come To Receive As a people birthed with purpose, God has reserved the best for the last to display his tangible anointing power to a dying world. The anointing is that divine inducement from above, and not a desire of emotional feelings. It comes not with years of experience, status and articulates. But rather it is given by laying aside every weight and sin that easily besets us. He has placed a “”now power”” (Ephesians 3:20) on the inside of you to defeat your adversary. This power is actually on the inside of you right now. This is the beginning of miracles concerning you – just believe! Discovering the anointing on your life; you will realize that it an inheritance given to serve and not to be served.
I believe we are at a prophetic crossroad in history to witness a people with a new birth – destined to walk in a double portion of his spirit, just as Elisha received a double portion of Elijah’s spirit. God has saved us, the best, for the last. Therefore, we must desire nothing less than the anointing that destroys yokes of bondage, opens blind eyes, straightens crippled limbs, mends broken homes and deliver every captive. God’s Word promises that there will be an overflow, or a double portion, of wine and oil (or anointing), coming your way in one month. That’s a double blessing! This double portion is waiting for you, it is part of your inheritance through Christ Jesus. It will show you how to walk in the anointing of the Holy Spirit and do greater works than that of the risen Messiah. This is your hour of power! This is your day to receive your double portion. After reading this book your life should never be the same again. It is my desire that readers obtain spiritual experiences and insights that will enlarge their spiritual vision for tomorrow.About the Author
Merits is the author of three books. “The Anointing Exposes the Deeds of the Flesh” and “The Spiritual Benefits of Praise” and Worship, and “Love Reveals the Heart of God,” which is one of the most inspirational books ever written about the sovereign and eternal love of God.
He is the founder of Worship Conference Ministries, Canada, Cayman Islands and Jamaica. He is a licensed counselor as well as a Certified Chaplain. He has a passion for teaching people about Christ and help them to walk in the freedom that God has ordained.
With a voice of hope and encouragement, he travels extensively preaching and teaching the Word of God.
Known for his charming personality and winsome countenance, Rev. Dr. Merits is a firm believer that, “it is not what you are in Christ, but who you are in Christ”.
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