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Just Lucky Enough
Ross Fisher
About the Book
““One of the neatest, most realistic stories about the RAF during WW II. Having flown Mustangs out of England in 1943, 1944 and 1945, this book brought back a lot of fond memories of my combat days in the P-51 Mustang.” Brig. General Charles F. Yeager, USAF (Ret’d), World War II Fighter Ace
“Based on my own 20 years experience, I can assure you that you effectively captured the varied personalities of the men who make up a fighter squadron.” Lt. Colonel Gordon P. Zans, Commanding Officer, 410 Squadron, RCAF
“Ross has an unusual feel for the emotions, trials and tribulations of the fighter pilot during that period.” Colonel Dean Caswell, USMC (Ret’d), World War II Fighter Ace
“Everything in your book rang true. A first class, well-written book in every respect … .” Colonel Don Lopez, USAF (Ret’d), Word War II Fighter Ace
“What a great book! I must say that JUST LUCKY ENOUGH maintained my attention as much as any Ian Fleming James Bond novel and provided me as much enjoyment as the works of noted historian Stephen Ambrose.” Author Jeff Kelley
”About the Author
Born nine months after the Roswell, New Mexico landing, Ross Fisher has been a lifelong military historian. He attended college for decades, finally obtaining a BA in History from Elmhurst College at the age of 42. He retired as a Reader’s Advisor to the Blind in 2013. He is fluent in Fighter Pilot and speaks a little English.
Moral Vengeance
Rod Haberer
About the Book
The Persian Gulf island nation of Bahrain is flattened, and the U.S. Fifth Fleet Headquarters destroyed, when a nuclear bomb detonates.
An Iranian Sheik announces he is responsible – that a now fully nuclear armed Iran should be given credit for driving away the “Great Satan.”
How the U.S. responds to this attack creates a showdown between a militant White House and those who want a more measured response.
MORAL VENGEANCE provides an unsettling look at the strengths and weaknesses of what could be America’s next challenge.About the Author
Rod Haberer is a 42-year broadcast journalist. He has produced special reports on Operation Desert Storm in 1991, and the more recent War on Terror and Operation Iraqi Freedom. He also produced series commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, and field produced NASA Space Shuttle launches.
Rod Haberer has been honored with several Broadcast News awards, including Regional Emmy Awards, Associated Press Broadcaster Association Awards, and a National RTNDA Award.
Rod Haberer lives with his wife and two daughters in Phoenix, Arizona.
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