Christian Education
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The Awesome Untold Story of the Revelation of Jesus Christ
Gary Alan Rothhaar
About the Book
“The Awesome Untold Story of the Revelation of Jesus ChristNow seems to be the time when we need to know about end time events.
Jesus said, “Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God; but to them that are without, all these things are done in parables.” Mark 4:11
Perhaps that is why God has chosen to write the book of Revelation with so much symbolism, and yet to us who believe is Jesus is our personal Savior, it is given to know the mysteries of God, but not without faithful study of His word.
This study of Revelation is designed to de-code much of the symbolism by using related Old and New Testament scriptures.
The prophet Daniel was told to shut up the words and seal the book until the time of the end. Many shall run to and from, and knowledge shall be increased. Daniel 12:4
It’s easy to see that Daniel’s prophecy is our reality. We are living in a time of modern methods of transportation and state of the art technical advancements, and yet these are perilous times of uncertainty and rapid change.
God is not only the God of eternity; He is also the God of time. By His design, some things are hidden until He is ready to reveal them. Now seems to be the time when we need to know about the mysteries of God concerning end time events.
” -
Let’s HAVE CHURCH in a Book
Donyale M. Dabney
About the Book
What is a useable Vessel? It is an emptied-out shell with the express purpose of being available and able to be used. Are you a useable vessel Think so? Well, let me propose a few other questions. Are you emptied of all your junk, your intentions, your ideals, your will? Are you willing to let it not be all about you but all about God? Are you willing to be the PR person and not the star? Are you willing to do all the work to promote the star (Jesus) so that His name can go up in big lights and that He can receive all the glory? These are vital questions that you should ask and answer honestly to determine if you meet the requirements of being a useable vessel.About the Author
Apostle Donyale M. Dabney is an anointed woman of God. Born in Oakland, California, she is a devoted mother of two beautiful daughters Meagan and Cameryn: and a handsome grandson Cayden. She is a visionary, true worshipper, intercessor, prayer warrior, author, singer/songwriter, ordained prophet, and an anointed teacher of the Gospel who loves the word of God. Apostle Donyale faithfully served many years as a personal intercessor and armor-bearer and traveled internationally to Dubai and Indonesia, ministering in revivals and healing crusades. She served as a prayer coordinator and was Head of Intercession for the Antelope Valley Unity Tent Revival in Lancaster, California, and she has served her community through partnering with various organizations in providing the homeless hot Thanksgiving meals annually. Apostle Donyale is the Founder of Testimony Times International Ministries. She is the Founder of 5 AM Gathering Prayer Ministry and Bread of Heaven Outreach. She is the author of several books, “Let’s Have Church Book Series/Are you a useable Vessel”, Let’s Gather Together in Prayer Book Series/Deliverance for Destiny, and her soon published book Let’s Gather Together in Prayer Book Series/A Blueprint to Revival. She is also the CEO of The Billie Sue Company/Billie Sue Designs, Billie Sue Products, and Billie 2 Billy Music/Publishing.
A Year in His Presence
Audrey D. McCoy
About the Book
The purpose of writing this children’s biblical training manual is twofold. First, to make available at an affordable price (for teacher and learner) a year of compiled foundational Christian character training information. Second, to simplify instruction for non-professional teachers (church school, Christian school, parents, home school instructors) by providing a detailed structured week of primary teaching and learning, which reinforces Christlike character in young children.About the Author
Audrey is an experienced teacher in both public and Christian education and also is the founder, administrator, and teacher in New Generation Training for Adults, Youths, and Children (NGT-AYC), a training school for children, and weekly training sessions for youths and adults. Her experiences in teaching and ministering to the body of Christ spans over forty years. She has a passion for training people in Christlike character, Christian family building (focusing on marriage, the home and raising children), and maturing the body of Christ to be able to do the work of the ministry. -
From Goo to God
Bruce R. Matson
About the Book
In the Colosseum of Ancient Rome, it was not uncommon for Christians to be thrown to the lions. This was a one-sided, public spectacle that was meant to intimidate Christians into complying with the social order of the day. This ancient fact stands as a modern day analogy between evolution and creationism. Let me explain. In almost every mode of media, including in our children’s textbooks, evolution is referred to as an unquestioned fact. If anyone dares to speak against it or even mentions “creation” as an option, they will be thrown to the lions of public disdain. But much like the empire of Ancient Rome, evolution will likewise crumble and Christianity will prevail!About the Author
Bruce Matson is an educator of 30 years who has taught kindergarten through eighth grade. He has also been an administrator, bus driver, and a coach of football, basketball, and track. More importantly, Bruce is a survivor of stage four lymphoma which inspired him to write his book in defense of creationism versus evolution. Seeing his own mortality, he made it his mission to let people know they are so much more than happenstance, by-products of evolution. Bruce uses science-based facts to expose the faulty foundations evolution and reveals how intelligent design throughout the universe leads us to a Creator.
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