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Outer Realm: Advent of Fire
Part One (Full Color Edition) & (Black and White)
Abdul-Azeez Ayodele Azeez
About the Book
Lord Franklin and his men encounter a being known as Kraag. Kraag informs them that he intends to eradicate humanity and like kind. Lord Franklin believes it’s a trick from his adversary, Hector. Lord Franklin returns to his home Corithni and is initially met with hostility. The archers inform him of strange happenings in the castle. Suddenly, lycanthropes surround them. The leader of them, Fragaa, claims to come in peace. She changes to a human form but has black eyes like Kraag. She explains she wants to prevent catastrophe and convinces Lord Franklin to let her show him a parallel reality where the disaster occurred.About the Author
Abdul-Azeez was born in the Bronx to immigrant parents from Nigeria. A graduate of City College of the City University of New York with a degree in Psychology, he is a product of the New York public school system. His love for writing started at an early age. He was inspired by several mediums from comic books, movies, video games, anime, and the works of philosophers, both contemporary and ancient. The goal was to tell a story that both resonated and captivated audiences, as well as giving them some sort of introspection. -
The Xa’igoi Saga: Novel Two
The Last of the Lionhearted
Jonathan D. Wilson
About the Book
“In the nightly sky burns a star afire, and the two moons overhead eerily remain veiled in darkness, while the third moon reigns from the heavens–dipped in the color of blood. Such an ominous sky heralds the coming birth of the last Xa’igoi.The world is changing forever, and from the ancient citadel of Amturis, chaos comes. Uundethar the Sorcerer seeks forbidden answers from his past. But that is not all that he seeks. What he learns and plots unleashes events that will bring doom for countless thousands, threatening realms, and perhaps bringing an end to all things.
In the far west, King Midga, once a mighty ruler now under tyrannical vassalage, finds himself outnumbered and forced into attempting to withstand Uundethar and his horde of unholy abominations, who have descended out of nothingness upon his realm’s unprepared lands.
Finding himself unaided by his oppressive, overlord king, Midga must then choose between the survival of his small kingdom and the life of his newly born child.
Stout champions stand beside Midga ready to die, if it means the survival of the prophesied infant. But at what cost? Among such so-called defenders is a man who holds secrets to his own identity. Is he one who might possess the power to save the realm and the king’s child, or will he bring doom to them all? Is this man loyal or disloyal to the cause, or will treachery and betrayal, altogether different, strike elsewhere from the shadows?
If the peoples of Kirgin and the infant’s courageous champions are to ensure the fulfilment of the Prophecy and the survival of Lacreena, the Kingdom of Kirgin must withstand Uundethar’s might and protect Midga’s only child at all cost. If they fail and the child is killed, the Omen Curse will finally arise to its fulfillment, and Uundethar will rule over Lacreena unopposed, and the world shall burn and fall into oblivion.
It is a tale of masquerades and treachery, plots and deceits, of identities hidden and of others revealed, where the loyalties of some are sworn to secrecy, while others are questioned. It is a fight for survival, of mighty heroes of old, and the last of the lionhearted.”
About the Author
Jonathan D. Wilson lives in Idaho, enjoying family and friends. Since his youth, Jonathan has been fascinated with historical fiction and fantasy. Soon, he began writing numerous short stories that won several awards. With such encouragement, he decided to make writing a career. While doing years of research for Medieval-era accuracy, a long tale of intrigue began to form in his mind: “The Xa’igoi Saga”. -
Philantasy, The Reality of Imagination
Ralph Pilolli
About the Book
The title of this book presents to its reader a variety of unusual imaginary stories, as did book one, ‘LAND OF PHILANTASY’, which is also featured on this jacket. Subjects are variations and situations of many crimes and consequences, plus children’s imaginary world. Part of this book is a sequel to book one: its cover page is featured in the center of this book’s cover.Two short story books, ‘LAND of PHILANTASY’, ‘PHILANTASY, The REALITY of IMAGINATION’, plus a third book, a novel ‘RING AROUND the CIRCLE’. Many of my short stories are written from every day thoughts. Look on if you want to read the unusual, in a category you may fit into, or maybe not. Step into the ‘LAND of PHILANTASY’ to find the depths of your imagination.
About the Author
Twelve years of Catholic School; liking, loving, learning, understanding and accepting all the unanswered questions had a universal word. A word I believed fully until the church started changing the rules. Even that, with reservation, was –OK! I’ll hang on to the magic word. Next came the most precious of all to be changed, the communication between the creator and myself, the meditation of the mass. This was what tainted the magical, universal word. This word needed answers. Through much reading, thinking, conversing and meditation. A philosophy about life and death has given me my magic universal word back, my magic word is again untainted you will see it in my writings. It is called “FAITH,” “FAITH OF LIFE”, and “FAITH OF DEATH”. It is called “UNIVERSAL FAITH.”I was literally coerced into writing a weekly auto racing column in a fairly large newspaper. This expanded into an additional bi-weekly column in a popular auto racing paper. The point being, a writer is generally told, write what you know best.
Wreath Island/Witches Revenge
Peggy Lockwood
About the Book
Shiela stepped foot again on the island where she and her mother stayed ten years ago. But going back brought memories that Shiela didn’t want to remember. To her, it was best forgotten, but unfortunately, it haunts her. Now that she’s back, she’ll soon discover the dark secrets of the island, as well as the secret of her beloved grandfather.About the Author
Peggy Lockwood was born and educated in Ontario Canada and has worked as an editor for a newspaper and a production assistant for a radio program. Books published to date: Tales for Tots with Vantage Press, The Forgotten Manager and Christmas with Clarence with Homestead Studios, Tiny Tales for Tots with Xlibris and Winter Tales for Tots with Printer Paul. The last two written in rhyme. She has written several Christmas and Easter musicals performed in various churches in the area. Peggy is a widow living in Peterborough and has been inducted into the Pathway of Fame for Dramatic Arts and is now concentrating on writing for adult readers. -
Land of Philantasy
Ralph Pilolli
About the Book
One whose mind is intrigued with tales of the unusual will discover them once their imagination steps through the archway leading to the ‘Land of ‘Philantasy’. Sculptured onto the obelisk are the titles of eight short s tories, a novella and a ditty. These are not the run-of-the-mill (so to speak) type of stories. They are what I call ‘Philantasy’, a coined word. They are all a touch of philosophy with the imagination of fantasy, so welcome to the Land of Philantasy.About the Author
Twelve years of Catholic School; liking, loving, learning, understanding and accepting all the unanswered questions had a universal word. A word I believed fully until the church started changing the rules. Even that, with reservation, was –OK! I’ll hang on to the magic word. Next came the most precious of all to be changed, the communication between the creator and myself, the meditation of the mass. This was what tainted the magical, universal word. This word needed answers. Through much reading, thinking, conversing and meditation. A philosophy about life and death has given me my magic universal word back, my magic word is again untainted you will see it in my writings. It is called “”FAITH,”” “”FAITH OF LIFE””, and “”FAITH OF DEATH””. It is called “”UNIVERSAL FAITH.””I was literally coerced into writing a weekly auto racing column in a fairly large newspaper. This expanded into an additional bi-weekly column in a popular auto racing paper. The point being, a writer is generally told, write what you know best.
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