Showing all 8 results
The Awesome Untold Story of the Revelation of Jesus Christ
Gary Alan Rothhaar
About the Book
“The Awesome Untold Story of the Revelation of Jesus ChristNow seems to be the time when we need to know about end time events.
Jesus said, “Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God; but to them that are without, all these things are done in parables.” Mark 4:11
Perhaps that is why God has chosen to write the book of Revelation with so much symbolism, and yet to us who believe is Jesus is our personal Savior, it is given to know the mysteries of God, but not without faithful study of His word.
This study of Revelation is designed to de-code much of the symbolism by using related Old and New Testament scriptures.
The prophet Daniel was told to shut up the words and seal the book until the time of the end. Many shall run to and from, and knowledge shall be increased. Daniel 12:4
It’s easy to see that Daniel’s prophecy is our reality. We are living in a time of modern methods of transportation and state of the art technical advancements, and yet these are perilous times of uncertainty and rapid change.
God is not only the God of eternity; He is also the God of time. By His design, some things are hidden until He is ready to reveal them. Now seems to be the time when we need to know about the mysteries of God concerning end time events.
” -
A Guide to Navigating Childhood Development and Wellbeing
Revised Edition
Dr. Niru Prasad
About the Book
For parents, it is a great joy to see their children start a new life in college. There is a lot of excitement for our students in the beginning as they enjoy independence. It is important for our students to follow good discipline patterns that help develop self-control, efficacy, good character and become good citizens of the world.About the Author
My background is in pediatrics and emergency medicine. I received my medical degree in India and did my residency and fellowship at Children’s Hospital in Michigan. I am board certified in pediatric and emergency medicine, currently a retired emeritus pediatrician with Beaumont Hospital, contingent senior staff pediatrician at Henry Ford and St. Joseph Hospitals. I am a member of the Academy of Pediatrics, American Medical Association of Michigan and Oakland Medical Society. I am privileged to have received physician recognition awards from AMA, honouree to 2019 Women’s Physician Excellence Award, Blue Cross Angel Caring Award, and inductee to Heritage Hall of Fame of Detroit.During my over 50 years of clinical practice and meeting challenges while treating children’s illnesses and accidents, I learned the important role that prevention plays in avoiding illness and accidents. I started writing health related articles, radio talk shows and producing my own TV show Health Talk as a community outreach effort to help guide our community toward safe and healthy childhood development.
This book is a guide to navigating childhood development for parents and caretakers who are raising their children during preschool, middle and high school years.
I Owe You Nothing
Victoria Robinson
About the Book
I want to take this opportunity to explain what this book is about. It is about sperm and egg donors, and real parents who may or may not take responsibility for their actions. I am not talking about the people who attend the sperm banks or surrogate mothers or women who let people use their eggs to bring life into this world. Those people are blessing others for shortcomings that they may have. You will see the words donor and real parent, a lot but look at the explanation first.
A sperm and egg donor, to me are men and women who have children and do not take care of the blessings that God has presented them with in their lives.
A ”real”” parent is the parent that is there everyday in the daily activities of the child. The real parent is the parent who is the key factor in the child’s life. The real parent takes the responsible role for the child. The real parent is also the Child’s First Teacher and the positive guide in the child’s life, on all levels.About the Author
Victoria is the mother of two handsome boys who at the time of this first writing was nine and five, they are now 14 and 18 years old. She was born in Lake Village, AR and grew up in a small town called Eudora, AR. Victoria graduated from Eudora High school in 1993 and attended Philander Smith College in Little Rock, AR upon graduation. She later attended Lakeland Medical and Dental Academy in Minneapolis MN where she was certified as a Medical Assistant. She traveled many places in the USA and has spent a full life. She is a hard worker, dedicated mother and all around good friend. Victoria loves to write, read, cook and hangout with people. She also loves to plan parties, but most of all she loves to see parents interact with their children. Victoria currently lives in a nursing facility in St. Paul, MN after experiencing multiple strokes in 2011. She enjoys her children, she loves God and attends the Mount Olivet Missionary Baptist Church in St. Paul, MN and participates in the Greeters Ministry when she is able to. She has recently completed her second book that will be coming out soon. She hopes she can continue to write books that will have positive effects in others’ lives. Turning negative options into positive outcomes.
Vision Art and History of Art
Peter V. Moak
About the Book
This book describes a visual approach to art. It stands in contrast to the current linguistic approach. It is about looking at art rather than reading about art. Looking at hundreds of works of art from the whole history of art demonstrates that every work of art needs to be seen in a particular way, the way it was seen when it was made. We do not see the world directly. We see pictures of the world in our head. These are ten basic ways for looking at art based on the ways we look at the pictures in our head. These ten ways when applied to works of art from the stone age to the present reveal patterns in the ways of looking at art throughout history. They also reveal neglected masterpieces, famous works misidentified and how the misunderstood work of certain famous artists should be seen.
About the Author
I have been an art historian for forty five years. I have a Masters degree from New York University and a Doctorate from the University of Pennsylvania. I taught briefly at Villanova University and the University of Hampshire, but most of my life has been devoted to understanding the visual order that underlies a work of art. In addition to working in libraries I traveled extensively here and in Europe to see works first hand. Now that my traveling days are over due to age and health I am concentrating on writing about what I have learned and discovered. I want to pass this information on to future generations and hopefully to inspire others to see art as it was made to be seen. To see The Parthenon, the works of Michelangelo, Cézanne, Matisse and Picasso as they were made to be seen is very much worth the effort.
A Brief Guide to Philosophy
Todd M. Daley
About the Book
This book deals with western philosophy – its concepts and applications to our world. The basic ideas of philosophy are discussed from the ancient Greeks and Romans like Plato, Aristotle, and Epictetus to philosophers of the Middle Ages, like St. Augustine and Thomas Aquinas. In the 17th and 18th centuries, ethics is analyzed by Spinoza and Kant. God’s existence and causality are seen through the eyes of Pascal, Berkeley, and Russell. Existentialism, with its emphasis on one’s subjective experience, is discussed by Kierkegaard and Sartre. In the 20th century, philosophers stressed language and the meaning of statements. Key issues such as economic justice, good vs evil, the certainty of knowledge and the meaning of life are examined.
About the Author
The author has taught science and mathematics at the high school and college levels for fifty years. His education includes bachelor’s and master’s degrees from City College of New York, an MAT from Johns Hopkins University, and a PhD from New York University. In addition, he has written textbooks with an interdisciplinary approach to math, science, and history. The author’s life experience reflects a range of scholastic interests: mathematics, science, history, literature, and philosophy.
Build Emotional Muscle For More Productive and Satisfying Lives
Bruce E. Robbins
About the Book
This book is a must read! Why? You will learn HOW, to increase your potential, raise and maintain your confidence to help manage a more rewarding and fulfilling life. It provides core teachings to learn more about who you are by discovering universal emotional issues, ways to identify your personal behavior styles and learning styles. Provided is a proven goal setting and attainment processes, along with real-world tools to help people achieve their desired life outcomes. With knowing how, the power triangle for getting results is finally complete. The author is available to support and consult for success.
About the Author
Bruce Robbins has been a financial sales professional, trainer, author, and consumer friendly financial advisor. Due to his extremely well received transferrable training programs that address the emotional issues and soft skills to create a solid successful platform that enriches salespeople’s productivity, this book is a product of translating those teachings for everyday use.
Bruce’s open, honest writings and illustrations help people develop their own strengths and manage weaknesses, reduce the unknown of getting started, and advance the understanding of issues that produce growth and develop a more rewarding, successful professional and personal life.
As you will see, Robbins sense of humor comes through in ways that reduce procrastination and lack of success. As a long-time successful sales guru, his joy comes from sharing his knowledge with others, like yourself. -
Alien’s Extraterrestrial’s
"A history of Revelations plus Where do they come from? Why are they here?"
Frank Morin
About the Author
My book is an informative and interesting collection of questions that are asked by more and more people concerning aliens, extraterrestrials, and all the entities that humans call gods. In antiquity, humans called any entity with superior knowledge or abilities a god. In the present time, humans also call aliens and extraterrestrials gods. In my book I discuss and explain why there are aliens and why there are extraterrestrials. I explain where they come from and why they are here. I discuss topics that people have questions about but have no explanation as to why the events are happening. I also briefly discuss two other topics in my book. I discuss the fact that humans are extraterrestrials, and I also explore the phenomena of animal mutilations. I bet a lot of people don’t realize that humans are extraterrestrials. I believe that when you finish reading this book and you seriously ponder the material, one word will come to mind: wow!About the Author
My name is Frank Morin and I am sixty-nine years old. I grew up in Texas and Nebraska. I always did well in school and when I graduated from high school I joined the United States Navy. I spent twenty years in the navy, as well as completed an AA in Automotive Science, a BBA in Computer Information Systems, an MBA in Telecommunications, and a Management Certificate in Environmental and Hazardous Waste management. -
No Parent Left Behind
Lisa M. Calicchia
About the Book
Being a responsible parent and raising children in today’s world is no easy walk in the park. Some parents, guardians, families and caretakers from all walks of life are finding it challenging to raise their children in today’s world. In communities across the country, the “village” that it takes to raise a child is broken! So how can a broken village help parents to raise their children?
Through this eye-opening, personal account of an entire documented school year, Ms. Calicchia offers ten proposals that might help repair the broken village. She also challenges parents and guardians to reflect and change some of their parenting methods. Her hope is that parents and guardians will be encouraged to seek out the supports and resources offered by schools, districts and their community. She encourages everyone that every day is a new day to start over. It’s never too late to break generational curses and create a new and better family legacy for the next generation.About the Author
Ms. Calicchia is a mom of three beautiful young ladies. A few days after graduating from high school, Ms. Calicchia joined the U.S. Army Reserves. Not only is she a proud veteran, she is a certified educator who has dedicated her entire career to teaching, mentoring and leading in public schools for the last 22 years. After 12 years of classroom teaching, Ms. Calicchia then became a fulltime mentor to new teachers, then a Dean of Curriculum and Instruction and will continue her career in various leadership roles. She is a lifelong learner and has earned Bachelor’s in Early Childhood Education, a Master’s in Urban Education and 2nd Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction. Her love for children and their families extended outside of her classroom into volunteering and mentoring parents and guardians of all ages and backgrounds. Ms. Calicchia has won several awards and citations for her work with children and parents and families. She plans to continue her work to empower the lives of parents by bridging the communication gap between parents, families and school communities.
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