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But Is He Jewish? and Other Quirky Tales (Full-Color Edition)
Daniel Wolf
About the Book
But Is He Jewish? is divided into three sections. The first section, “Quirky Tales,” consists of fifty short stories. Although each touches upon some aspect of Jewish life and culture, they deal with such universal themes as love, mortality, courage, coming of age, and the importance of family.The following section, “Mishegas” (Yiddish for craziness), includes stand-up comedy routines, the philosophical musings of a fictitious rabbi, advice for daily living (“A Guide for the Confused”), “Eighty Questions to Ponder,” and nonsensical poetry (“Quit”).
The final section, “Animals with Attitudes”, features four humorous mini-plays with animals (elephants, lions, housecats, and rhinoceroses) taking on Jewish characteristics and even speaking some Yiddish (translations provided).
In all, But Is He Jewish? provides a delightful reading experience, as it addresses a variety of topics in a mostly humorous but always human manner.
About the Author
Daniel Wolf was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He retired from the Philadelphia Public School system in June 2015, having taught English as a Second Language for twenty-four years, primarily at the elementary level. In addition, from 1983 to 1993, he lived and taught English in Japan, during which time he traveled extensively both in Japan and throughout Asia.In addition to being a short-story writer, Mr. Wolf has composed five complete musicals (book, music, and lyrics) and has published five plays, all of which can be viewed at
He also performs stand-up comedy throughout the Philadelphia region. You can view his comedy routines and music videos on his YouTube channel: Daniel Wolf Music & Comedy. Other interests include chess, traditional Japanese archery (kyudo), cycling, nature walks, and exotic cuisine. He can be reached at [email protected]
Robin Haines
About the Book
Was the JFK assassination the result of a random crime or a politically motivated conspiracy? Perhaps it was a legitimate covert intelligence operation of the US government. Could it be that JFK wasn’t murdered and his death was staged to appear to be a homicide? The author outlines a moral motive for the assassination and an explanation in the way the assassination was staged. The focus of this alternative theory revolves primarily around three men, whom she claims are the most important figures involved in planning and executing the death of JFK.
About the Author
Robin Haines was born in Jersey City, New Jersey, on March 20, 1953. Her mother was a journalist for a newspaper called the Hudson Dispatch, which later became the Jersey Journal Dispatch. She was a religion editor who also covered theatre and entertainment and occasionally covered stories about politics. Her father was a wine salesman who eventually became a cab driver. She graduated from Weehawken High School in June of 1972. She attended Manhattan School of Music and also to some extension courses at Julliard in theory and composition but did not obtain a degree.
Why I Am a Creationist
A Layman’s Perspective
Chuck Nelson
About the Book
The subject of origins is one of humanity’s universal questions. The who, what, how, when, where and why issues surrounding origins are both intriguing and controversial. While cultural authorities in academia and the media push an entirely naturalistic evolutionary model of origins, the observations and experience of many people prevent them fully accepting such a model. Many people, scientist and laymen alike, see evidence of creation or design in the cosmos and in life itself. They see life as something more than chance and chemistry.
The author is neither a theologian nor a scientist but, as a layman, has studied the issue of origins for a number of years. In this layman to layman work, the author leads the reader through the maze of philosophical and scientific issues at play in the origins debate with the objective of affirming the belief in creation or design that so many hold.About the Author
The author grew up on a cattle ranch in Northern California ans is retired from a 34-year career in law enforcement. He has authored a book tittled, Life at The End of a Dirt Road”” giving an often-humorous account of growing up on a cattle ranch.
The author has a long-standing interest in photography which you are invited to enjoy at:
Epistemic Standpoints
Theological and Sociological
M. D. Litonjua
About the Book
Pilate asked “What is truth?” We too struggle with the question and we search for an answer. Correspondence theory told us that we grasp with our external senses objective reality, and the truth lies in the correspondence of the mind to external objective reality. The problem is that, except for basic mathematical equations, this explanation does not account for the diversity of opinions, the conflict of ideas, and the clash of ideologies. This does not include, of course, outright lies, denial of facts, manipulation of data, the malice of fake news.
We do not see things with the naked eye as they are. We see them from a certain perspective, from a specific point of view. A tree is not simply a tree. A tree provides restful shade to a weary traveler. It is useful lumber for the logger. It yields oxygen for a polluted atmosphere in the eyes of an environmentalist. It is an inspiration for a poem by Joyce Kilmer. In other words, it is foundationally a matter of, using a philosophical word, one’s epistemology. It involves one’s interests and concerns, it depends on what one considers important in life, the meaning he searches for in society and the world, how one conceives what life should be. We see, appreciate, judge from an epistemic standpoint.
The acknowledgement of different epistemic standpoints is the basis for dialogue, for the respectful discussion of differences of opinion, for the legitimate clash of ideologies. The acceptance of multiple standpoints is also the foundation for cooperation in spite of differences, for the search of common solutions to common problems, and for solidarity for the common good.About the Author
“M. D. Litonjua is emeritus professor of sociology at the Mount St. Joseph University in Cincinnati, OH. He holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from Brown University, an M.B.A. from the University of Missouri-St. Louis, and Licentiates in Philosophy and Theology from the University of Santo Tomas (Manila). -
Racist Bones in President Trump’s Body
About the Book
“Your pen is your biggest enemy” is the kind of warning M. P. Prabhakaran says he used to receive from his friends every time he published a provocative social or political commentary. He published them in The East-West Inquirer, an online monthly, of which he is editor and publisher. He has cited the warning in the preface to this book. The preface also says that, pointing to the subject of the commentary, those well-meaning friends would follow their warning with the question: “Why bother, if it doesn’t affect you in any way?”
In response, the preface goes on to say, Prabhakaran would throw the words, “Why bother, if it doesn’t affect you in any way?” back at them and then add: “History is full of examples of the disastrous consequences of this attitude.” He would remind his friends that the powers that be got away with the atrocious things they did because people were either too scared to speak up or the atrocious things did not affect them personally. To emphasize the point, Prabhakaran would draw their attention to the immortal words of the Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller:
“When the Nazis arrested the Communists, I said nothing; after all, I was not a Communist….
When they arrested me, there was no longer anyone who could protest.” [The English translation is by Bob Berkovitz.]
This book is a collection of some of the articles published in The East-West Inquirer over the past two decades. The articles are Prabhakaran’s ways of speaking truth to power.About the Author
Most of his working life, M. P. Prabhakaran straddled two professions: journalism and teaching. He started his career in journalism, in 1969, as a cub reporter on Current, a weekly newspaper (now defunct) published from Bombay (now Mumbai).
He then moved on, as a sub-editor (called copy editor in the U.S.), to March of the Nation, another Bombay-based English weekly (also defunct now); and then to Free Press Journal, one of India’s leading English dailies.
After immigrating to the U.S. in 1975, he worked as the editor, first of The Voice of India, a monthly, and then of South Asia Newsspecial, a news and feature syndicate.
Side by side with his journalistic work, he also pursued a Ph.D. in Political Science, at The New School for Social Research, New York. After completing the Ph.D., in 1988, he taught for several years as an adjunct professor of political science, at the City University of New York. Teaching has always been Prabhakaran’s second love, the first being journalism. It started as a math teacher at a village high school in his native Indian State of Kerala.
Since 2001, he has been travelling extensively and posting his travel experience on The East-West Inquirer, an online monthly he started that year. The monthly, published at, also carries his social and political commentaries.
Prabhakaran has authored four other books: An Indian Goes Around the World – I: Capitalism Comes to Mao’s Mausoleum; An Indian Goes Around the World – II: What I Learned from My Thirty-Day European Odyssey; Letters on India The New York Times Did Not Publish, which is a collection of some of the letters he sent to The Times over three decades; and The Historical Origin of India’s Underdevelopment: A World-System Perspective, which is an expanded version of his doctoral dissertation.
M. P. Prabhakaran can be reached by email at [email protected] or [email protected]. -
Citizen Power
A Mandate for Change
Senator Mike Gavel
About the Book
As author of Citizen Power in 1971, Senator Gravel determined that much of what he wrote then is apropos in America today; hence, the release of Citizen Power: A Mandate for Change that reflects the accuracy of his evaluation of problems then, his current position on a number of issues facing America now, and the process Americans can undertake to become empowered as lawmakers in partnership with their elected legislators. -
Will I Find Faith?
Christianity at a Crossroads
Fred Snowden
About the Book
Will Jesus find faith on the earth when He returns? Will He find faith in America? No doubt, the America of 2020 is much different from that of 1960. Church attendance has declined from 80% to 15%, morality is redefined, secularism is attempting to neutralize Christianity and the new generation interprets the 1st Amendment as freedom from religion rather than freedom of religion. Socialism is on the rise and the church is in retreat. In II Chronicles 7:14, the scriptures declare, “If my people, who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways; I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land.” Will believers awake or is the judgement of God the only thing that can bring us to our senses and to our knees? Our nation is being weighed in the balances and time is running out!About the Author
Fred Snowden is an educator, lecturer and author. He served as Headmaster for three successful Christian Schools in the metropolitan Washington DC area and as a professor for and President of the National Bible College and Seminary. He and his wife Judith have been married for 52 years and are the parents of three sons and grandparents of four, ages 8-25. His first book published in 2015, Foundations of World Civilization from a Biblical Perspective, is a textbook for Christian schools. Last year, AuthorHouse published his latest book, Reconciling Genesis & Science, which is available on Amazon. -
An Appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court & A Proposal to Our President
Revised Edition
Pia Fields
About the Book
This book reports a real tragedy in the U.S. Testator Sydney Fields was born in 1918, one day after his father died from the Spanish Flu. Doctor Groginsky, who risked his life to help the family at their home, signed both a death and a birth certificate. One hundred years later, without witnesses, video or audiotape, will drafter Curtain composed an affidavit related to Sydney’s will and then dismissed it in the court hearing day. Judge Melle still, based on Curtain’s affidavit, distributed the 96-year-old blind man’s ten-million-dollar assets to five of his niece-in-laws, and left his autistic son in welfare.About the Author
Justice seems to never come because our lawmakers tend to defend each other and prefer to change nothing. Being mistreated, author Pia still is concerned about how to reduce the U.S government’s debt. She suggests: Government should cooperate with civilizations and manufacturers, provide free shelters, food, medical service and low-pay jobs to people who need help. Use the benefits we provide to substitute the government’s expenses on welfare, home care, health care, social security and wages. She believes we should use both the capitalist and socialist concepts to manage our world. We should give up market economics’ competition and consumption, but enrich people’s lives by friendships and entertainments and eventually eliminate wars between these two systems.
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