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A Flash of Spanish Eyes
Cyril Lucas
About the Book
Set in the idyllic wine country of Provence some 40 years ago A Flash of Spanish Eyes tells the love story between Richard Fortescue, a down on his luck Formula One racing driver, and Boom Boom, a young Spanish woman determined to live life on her own terms. Brought together by chance, they find themselves embroiled in a complex web of smuggling and deadly deals.First, there’s the ‘champagne war’, a deadly conflict between Genghis Cohen, a seedy and disreputable London businessman, and the Corsican Mafia over the right to buy the sparkling wine made by Boom Boom’s family. Then there’s the Shrine to Saint Sarah, the latest money-making scheme hatched up by Genghis and his outrageous assistant, Eulalia, for his vineyard in Provence.
Add a retired British Vice Admiral expert in the phallic Roman archeology of the ancient land of Oc, a Senegalese terrorist determined to protect Allah against the heresy of a formidably unorthodox Preacher and a gang of supporting characters and what follows? Unalloyed mayhem? Not in the least!
Clever, witty and fun, A Flash of Spanish Eyes is a skillful blend of romance, mystery and history. Join Richard and Boom Boom as they evade danger and outwit their adversaries on this adventure of a lifetime.
Nine photographs of Provencal Wine Country included.
About the Author
Cyril Lucas is the author of the novel, A Windy Night; the military history Waziristan To Tibet; and a successful blog based on his life and family history, called A Blogettty Blog. More information can be found on his website the age of 96, he is fortunate to live in retirement with his wife on the shore of Discovery Bay in the Pacific Northwest, surrounded by a terraced garden, one of many he created during years spent in the Isle of Wight, Provence and California.
He wrote A Flash of Spanish Eyes when living in Provence. The multiple themes within the story were inspired by the history, culture and mythology of the region, as well as the revered tradition of winemaking.
Golden Promise
Richard Malmed
About the Book
Leaving a team dinner at the exclusive Shrewsbury Country Club, attorney Peter Stern heard muffled cries for help coming from behind the berm of the eighteenth hole. Slowly snaking his five iron from the golf bag, he approached to see two men raping a waitress. He buried the first swing into the rib cage of one man. As the second man came at him, he hammered his left hand and sliced open his scalp on the follow through. He would later discover that the entire scene was videotaped by an old acquaintance. He pulled the rainsuit from his bag to cover the nakedness of his new client.About the Author
Richard Malmed has been a lawyer for over fifty years, but now is able to pursue his first love since he was an Honors English Major at Yale. His works have won a few awards. He lives in Philadelphia with his wife and spends his spare time thinking creatively while working out at the gym. He holds a world record in the bench press for his age and weight group. He writes historical fiction or lawyer’s adventure novels. -
STOP trying to prove YOU’RE right AND START proving GOD is right
Eugene Abe
About the Book
“This book was impressed on me by the Lord, to wright these messages in poetic form. Never did anything like this in my life. As God would give me little titles I would wright them on paper which I kept in my pocket. Then most times within a week or two it would end up as a sermon in poetic form. This book covers multiple subjects which each of us face in life.
This book is designed for whoever reads this book, to cause you to think things out, and then to form your own thinking as how God would have you process it.
The emphasis of this book is to read and study it with an open mind, as you study the scriptures on your own. The reason there are few scriptures in this book is to cause you to want to search the scriptures yourself, to prove whether it is right or wrong. That is why God’s word informs us in 2 Timothy 2: 15, “Study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
This scripture informs us that we are to study God’s word in order to find what God requires of us, what he empresses on our heart as taught by Jesus to us in Matthew 25: 14-30.
When we read and study God’s Word, read it with an open mind, asking him what he has for you today. We will never know it all, for we will keep learning till Jesus comes, or we leave this earth. Never allow people to put a guilt trip on you that you must know it all.”About the Author
It has been an amazing journey for this 74 year old man which has been a Christian for 62 years. Yet it has taken him to heights in the Lord, which he never dreamed possible. This has been an amazing journey for him as God has put a zeal in his heart like never before.For a man which never liked to study, and English was one of his worst subjects, yet God has put a hunger in his heart to be sure he knows the word properly. He has taken to heart, that he can be wrong in his thinking, and that he is more than willing to change to God’s way rather than his own thinking. He is not interested in man’s thoughts, but only God’s. Knowing That Christ is coming soon.
Because of his hunger for the truth, God woke him up one night and gave him the thought, which has become the title of this book. He is totally convinced that any one which puts this truth in effect in their life, their life will be totally renewed in Christ. So much of the teaching which he once embraced was proven to be nothing but half-truth. It has given him a greater zeal than ever before, to find truth.
Remember Who You Were Before You Were Told Who You Should Be
Patricia Meade Leonard
About the Book
Nigger is a persistent and rebellious word in the history and vocabulary of the United States of America, and plays a significant role in centuries of terrorist acts against African Americans. Yet, within the Black community, a curious familial bond with the word has existed through generations of slavery until today. Nigga Please!!! Remember Who You Were Before You Were Told Who You Should Be, presents a theory grounded in ancient and present day Ethiopian nobility which may explain why this is so, and why the ruling class found it necessary to corrupt its original sovereignty. Nigga Please juxtaposes this theory against the blasphemous language and behaviors of Rap, Gangsta Rap and aspects of Hip Hop culture intersecting with multi-ethnic versions of nigga being exploited and abused worldwide to the detriment of African American youth, young adults, and our communities. Remember Who You Were offers a basic metaphysical model for re-imaging America’s most enduring dilemma and a prescription for healing from generational traumas as we move towards restoring our people to our original greatness. The Honorable Marcus Garvey believed that “if we as a people knew the greatness from which we came, we would be less likely to disrespect ourselves.” Black survival and the rich musical legacy African Americans have contributed to the world gives us cause to celebrate our humanity and creativity. Gangsta lyrics give us nothing to be proud of.About the Author
Patricia Meade Leonard is an educator and world traveler with special interest in the arts and spiritual traditions practiced in West African and African Diaspora societies. She is the founder of Sankofa House Education which develops and presents media programs for teens, young adults, and lifetime learners. Dr. Leonard is a graduate of the City College of New York, and The American Institute of Holistic Theology. When not travelling, she divides her time between Harlem, New York and Ghana, West Africa where numerous forts and slave dungeons stand as evidence of the trade in human beings known as the African Holocaust. -
Siete Destinos Una Vida
Luis Arcaraz Carrasco
About the Book
Nació en la Cuidad de México el 6 de diciembre de 1936. Su madre Pilar Carrasco Navarrete, fué hija de la afamada cantante de ópera Ada Navarrete y su padre, Luis Arcaraz Torras, fue compositor y director de orquesta. Desde muy pequeño Luis tuvo inclinaciones literarias y artísticas, pero sus padres se opusieron a que estudiará música y actuación, así que decidieron que fuera Contador Público y lo inscribieron en la Escuela Bancaria y Comercial, pero en el segundo año de la carrera, abandonó los estudios de Contaduría e ingresó en la Escuela Libre de Música. Doña Pilar y Don Luis se disgustaron por la decisión del muchacho a tal grado, que le retiraron todo tipo de ayuda económica motivo por el cual, entro a trabajar como agente de ventas en una fábrica de pinturas para sostener sus estudios. Ya para entonces como alumno del colegio Cristóbal Colón, había destacado entre la comunidad estudiantil como escritor de numerosas obras de teatro, siempre en el área de ciencia fi cción, mismas que él y sus compañeros presentaban en las fi estas de fi n de cursos. En 1959 empezó a probar suerte como cantante de rock y no fue sino hasta en 1961, cuando grabó su primer disco con el seudónimo de Mario Sinta, aunque nunca pudo destacar en la música por llamarse igual que su afamado padre, quien además seguía resistente a que el joven Arcaraz desarrollará actividades artísticas. Tiempo después, cuando Luis empezó a tener cierto éxito como cantante, sus padres se convencieron de que efectivamente tenía vocación artística y al morir su padre en un accidente automovilístico el 1 de junio de 1963, los músicos de la orquesta de su Padre le pidieron al cantante que tomará el lugar de Don Luis Arcaraz Torras y se convirtiera en su director. Fue muy difícil para Luis hijo tomar una decisión al respecto, pero acepto el gran reto. Los mejores pronósticos de familiares y amigos eran bastante desalentadores. Le decían que, como director de la orquesta, el duraría solo el tiempo que la curiosidad del público por ver al hijo del gran maestro dirigiendo la orquesta se acabara y cuando mucho le concedían seis meses de actuación. Pero había opiniones aún peores, como la de algunos músicos de otras orquestas, que solían decir “pobre muchachito, no va a poder terminar ni el primer baile en donde se presente”. Pero a pesar de todo, Luis se armó de valor y el 15 de junio, apenas catorce días después de la muerte de su padre, tomó la batuta y debutó en la cuidad de Toluca, Estado de México, en un baile organizado por periodistas. A partir de entonces, Luis Arcaraz Carrasco inició una carrera ininterrumpida de éxitos y satisfacciones tanto en la Republica Mexicana como en Estados Unidos, Guatemala, Costa Rica y varios países más. El “muchachito” que no iba a terminar el primer baile donde se presentará, ya cumplió 47 años al frente de la orquesta fundada por su padre. En 1964 conoció a la estrella de cine Dacia González con quien se casó en 1965. Teniendo dos hijos: Dacia y Luis, quienes han seguido la carrera de ellos. En 1993, Luis fue nombrado secretario general Nacional interino de la Unión de Músicos, Artistas y Modelos de la CROC y en 1998, al terminar el interinato por decisión de los afi liados, fue electo secretario general Nacional para el periodo 1998 2004. En el año de 1994 le detectan Cáncer de Garganta debido a su tabaquismo, y después de muchas sesiones de quimioterapia y radiación, Luis Arcaraz logra superar el Cáncer quedándole como secuela una traqueotomía, la cual le impedía seguir cantando, fue entonces donde vuelca todo su talento en escribir con gran acierto varias novelas, entre ellas están: “Sida en el año 2010”, “Los niños del Futuro” y esta novela llamada “7 Destinos una Vida”. Luis Arcaraz con su positivismo y siendo un luchador incansable, logra ganar la batalla del Cáncer, pero en el año 2011 por una afección de pulmones consecuencia de la traqueotomía que le habían practicado, pierde la batalla y fallece el 28 de junio de 2011. Dejando a su familia sus maravillosas novelas como legado. 7 Destinos una Vida” es la historia de un hombre que invirtió todos sus ahorros en la bolsa de valores y fue víctima del crack de esta en 1991, perdiendo con esto todo su dinero, tomando la decisión de que para su familia él tenía más valor muerto que vivo y decide suicidarse en su automóvil, cuando Mario está tomando la carretera a punto de llegar al lugar que él había escogido para matarse, se le atraviesa una sombra por enfrente del coche haciéndolo frenar repentinamente, pensando que había matado a alguien, se baja del auto pero no ve a nadie pero al volverse a subir al auto, ve que del lado del copiloto se encontraba un hombre. Este le empieza a decir que sabe perfectamente que pensaba suicidarse y había llegado para hacerlo cambiar de opinión, que era una especie de Ángel de la guarda, Mario incrédulo lo corre de su auto pero el ángel le dice que le va a demostrar que es cierto y que todos tenemos siete destinos una vida y todos pasamos por diferentes decisiones las cuales al tomarlas marcan el rumbo que toma nuestro destino, y así le empieza a mostrar cada una de las 7 vidas que pudo haber tenido si hubiera tomado otra decisión en un momento clave de su vida y fi nalmente le muestra que la mejor que tenía, era la que en ese momento vivia y que cualquiera puede volver a empezar, pese a lo que pudo haber sufrido y es como Mario da vuelta al volante y regresa a su casa con su familia.
Carpet Rides
Pieter Pienaar
About the Author
“Pieter was born in Kuruman in 1964, a town which is part of the Northern Cape in South Africa, better known as the Kalahari. He studied education at teachers’ college and specialized in primary school mathematics and educational speech and drama. His university majors for the secondary school focused on languages, namely, English and Afrikaans. He started his teaching career as a teacher of English but art has always been his true passion and through a series of interesting events, he became an art teacher in 1998; he has been in the colourful classroom for the last twenty-two years. As a result of his art teaching career, he became interested in the arts therapies and embarked on further part-time studies.
In 2008 he obtained his PhD from the University of Pretoria in Learning Support, Guidance and Counselling with a dissertation entitled: The impact of narrative arts activities on the self-concept of grade 9 learners in group context. His postgraduate studies investigated the value the arts (plural) hold for self-insight. His studies opened a new door for him, which is to occasionally present motivational courses to people who require self-insight, by harnessing the therapeutic aspects of the arts to “awaken” people to their own potential. These activities he calls motivational narrative arts activities.
He is passionate about art making and believes that being creative grants us opportunities to reconnect with ourselves and to rediscover our forgotten dreams and talents. Being a full-time teacher does not allow him much time to do traditional art work on a large scale. He enjoys doing “”quick”” abstracts or spout drawings (and still life paintings – when he has time to concentrate) during school holidays. Since the completion of his PhD-studies he participated in a number of exhibitions. He has exhibited on three continents thus far.
In August 2012 he left South Africa to become an art teacher at an international school in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. In August 2016 he moved to China and accepted art teaching roles in Suzhou and Wuhan. In August 2018 he returned to Saudi Arabia. As a result of his international teaching experiences he wrote and published three books in which he describes life and his artistic ventures in his host countries. Creating a series of colouring books, based on his own work, is his latest publishing venture. His other interests are: photography, video production, creating music as an amateur, cooking, gardening and collaborating with other artists. -
The Finish Line
Donald A. Dery
About the Book
Ashley Webb suffered two devastating losses: the death in combat of her fiancé, and later the death of her husband from the Boston Marathon bombing. Her sole comfort was her young son, but depression prohibited her from embracing the romantic overtures of a third man. She could not bring herself to open up, convinced she was not entitled to the love of a third man. He was determined to prove her wrong, so they could cross their own finish line.About the Author
Donald A. Dery is a former journalist and senior executive
in marketing and corporate communications, with extensive
experience in the U.S., Europe and Canada. He currently is a
consultant in both disciplines. He is the author of a three-volume
history of the sugar industry and slavery in Antigua,
West Indies. The Finish Line is his third novel. He lives in
Portsmouth, R.I. and Antigua with his wife, Rowena. -
Revised Edition
Lee Carson
About the book
Lee Carson is eighty-six years old and has been married to Velma, his wife, for sixty-six years. They have a married son, Scott, daughter-in-law, Dee, daughter, Perian, two granddaughters, Megan Carson, and Haley Metzner who is married to Paul with a son named Carson Metzner. Carson is a retired teacher who has spent most of his life working and teaching in the crafts of machinist and mechanic. He has taught Sunday school classes for children and youth most of his adult life, served as a camp counselor for children at youth summer camps, and as a vacation Bible school teacher, and currently teaches a senior adult Sunday school class. Also an avid bible student, he has served as and taught lay speaking, held most of the lay positions in his local church, and served as a delegate to the United Methodist Church’s Texas Jurisdictional, and General Conferences. He uses his life experiences in writing this book. ALPH is another book written by Mr. Carson that carries readers back to the first century to explore what everyday life was like for the people who occupied Judah and Galilee during the time of Christ. A thoughtful, rich, and inspiring depiction of ancient life, it follows two generations as they cope with issues of faith and daily living without the blessings – or burdens – of modern conveniences. Full of historical facts and biblical truths it is sure to both enlighten and entertain. Available on Amazon. -
Had I Only Known
Dadisi Mwende Netifnet
About the Book
Starting over wasn’t an easy thing to do, but Oleather Chestnut was determined to get what she wanted and felt that she deserved. She did whatever was necessary to hold true to her determination. Oleather was everything a young black woman wanted to be—intelligent, ambitious, and beautiful with the body of a goddess. She accepted a transfer, which satisfied her longing to move back home to Charleston, South Carolina.Oleather and Marvin Kenyatta worked together on mutual projects at a firm in Houston, Texas. On her last day at the office, Marvin entered the building just at the right time and offers to help Oleather with her boxes. That day, an emotional connection between Oleather and Marvin surged; it was pure chemistry. They kept in touch and their frequent phone conversations developed into a long distance relationship. But could it work?
Like Oleather, Marvin was ambitious, and searching for true happiness, love and great sex. He was young, smart, handsome, and had a great body. He was a brother envied by other brothers and women lusted to be in his arms.
After his close encounter with Oleather, he listened to his heart! He realized that a man doesn’t have to spend enormous amounts of time with a woman to breed closeness and connection. But could their zest for life coupled with their quest to make it happen, prove love can conquer all and give them their hearts’ desires?
Only time would tell if their love could endure the temptation of other people in their lives and those lonely days and nights spent apart.
About the Author
Dadisi Mwende Netifnet, born Marvin Leroy Alston, in Charleston, South Carolina. Through the years, he has been in an intense struggle to improve his art of writing. He has read his poetry in many cities throughout the United States and Canada. He has also read his poetry in many different countries throughout the world, such as: Egypt, Senegal, Gambia and Freeport, Grand Bahamas. In 2002, Dadisi was awarded the Shakespeare Trophy of Excellence and the 2002 Poet of the Year Gold Medallion by the Famous Poets Society. Dadisi resides in Houston, Texas. Look for him at area poetry readings, arrange for him to read to your group, or get one or all of his publications for your library. You will be uplifted and delighted.
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