Showing 51–60 of 114 results
Divine Wind
Howard O.A. Jones
About the Book
Cardia, one of the many continents in the realm of Edafos, has remained relatively peaceful after 300 Years of War, a war to conquer the land started by the god-like beings called Divines. Through unimaginable pain and suffering, peace had been achieved, though for only a little more than a century. Now as corrupt Kings and religious struggles arise, one boy rebels. He forges his way across the land, coming at odds with many trials. Will he and his band of friends change the fate of Edafos, or will they simply follow the path that was laid out for them?About the Author
Since I could first form crude pencil marks into words, I has always found myself to be a story teller. Initially it was a hobby, and I only intended to keep it that way. My initial aspirations were of game design, and I kept my writings as a way to chronicle my ideas for the stories of games I would later try to produce. Despite being an avid reader, as time went on I came to value the narrative capabilities of different media and how they change the way a story can be told. -
Remember Who You Were Before You Were Told Who You Should Be
Patricia Meade Leonard
About the Book
Nigger is a persistent and rebellious word in the history and vocabulary of the United States of America, and plays a significant role in centuries of terrorist acts against African Americans. Yet, within the Black community, a curious familial bond with the word has existed through generations of slavery until today. Nigga Please!!! Remember Who You Were Before You Were Told Who You Should Be, presents a theory grounded in ancient and present day Ethiopian nobility which may explain why this is so, and why the ruling class found it necessary to corrupt its original sovereignty. Nigga Please juxtaposes this theory against the blasphemous language and behaviors of Rap, Gangsta Rap and aspects of Hip Hop culture intersecting with multi-ethnic versions of nigga being exploited and abused worldwide to the detriment of African American youth, young adults, and our communities. Remember Who You Were offers a basic metaphysical model for re-imaging America’s most enduring dilemma and a prescription for healing from generational traumas as we move towards restoring our people to our original greatness. The Honorable Marcus Garvey believed that “if we as a people knew the greatness from which we came, we would be less likely to disrespect ourselves.” Black survival and the rich musical legacy African Americans have contributed to the world gives us cause to celebrate our humanity and creativity. Gangsta lyrics give us nothing to be proud of.About the Author
Patricia Meade Leonard is an educator and world traveler with special interest in the arts and spiritual traditions practiced in West African and African Diaspora societies. She is the founder of Sankofa House Education which develops and presents media programs for teens, young adults, and lifetime learners. Dr. Leonard is a graduate of the City College of New York, and The American Institute of Holistic Theology. When not travelling, she divides her time between Harlem, New York and Ghana, West Africa where numerous forts and slave dungeons stand as evidence of the trade in human beings known as the African Holocaust. -
The Sword and the Rose
Tara Sufiana
About the Book
An unplanned adventure finds Tara Sufiana amidst the Sufis of Egypt for five years. Immersed in their mystical practices, she discovers the dervish within, expressing herself through sacred dance and music at religious festivals throughout Egypt. Within the Sufi enclave, an unusual love story with a dervish sheikh unfolds. When not roaming with the Sufis, or off on her own wild escapades, Tara survives by singing and dancing for hotels, cruise ships, folkloric shows, TV and films, crowned by a dance om top of the Great Pyramid. The rich culture of a Middle Eastern society is revealed throughout this amazing odyssey.
About the Author
Born in Switzerland of a Swiss father and American mother, Tara Sufiana has lives most of her life in the United States with extended travels in 30 countries. Her professions include flamenco dancing, singing, modeling, belly dancing, acting and writing. Tara’s articles have been published in leading magazines in four countries. She conducts workshops in Egyptian Dervish dance internationally. Although she holds university degrees in Psychology and India Studies, Tara gathers a wealth of knowledge through personal experience. When not traveling she resides in her mountain home in northern California.
The Islands Tell Of It
Patty Fischer
About the Book
At dusk in a Midwestern provincial city, college professor Melanie Rossen ventures off for an evening run. Under a pinkish-orange sky slowly taken over by an indigo darkness in Shadyside Park, this simple run turns into a nightmarish attack to defy the most wildly spoken of experiences.
Detectives Glenda McMahan and Luther Charles are ordered to interview the severely injured victim at a hospital on the south side. Seasoned detective McMahan finds it difficult to swallow the woman’s account—of a man turned into some hideous creature who performs a bloody ritual shouting out the word, “Balut”.
In the next few weeks more attacks occur following Detective Charles’s theory of the assailant cursed by some ancient myth from the annals of Lower Mythology from the islands of the Philippines. One attack in the back nine of a local golf course, Glenda’s doubts wash away when the victim is revealed to be Luther’s pregnant fiancé. This incident happens at the same time four FBI agents from the Chicago office are recruited by the detectives’ sergeant.
While Luther takes a leave of absence to watch over the recovery of his fiancé, Glenda befriends Agent Wyla Stark. Agent Stark possesses a strong connection to this legend where both law enforcement officers learn this creature has a name. Glenda and Wyla get closer to a suspect tied closely to the Big Pharma family, the Rathbones in Indianapolis, Indiana.
The depth of the legend’s origin brings Luther and his fiancé to meet a shaman in Algiers, across the river from New Orleans. The shaman gives them instructions on how to capture the culprit, then break the curse. Soon as a group forms, all realize to capture and take this suspect to justice they need to go off the grid of normal police procedure.
The suspect is revealed to be Amora Rathbone as the curse of “Aswang” is broken in the evening hours at Shadyside Park in front of everyone—an injured Glenda, Wyla, Luther, the three agents called Paul, George, and John. Another aspect of Aswang comes forth as Amora is able to escape her cell—dark workings of witchcraft. With her escape, the importance of the Rathbone butler comes into play.
The Rathbone butler becomes sole heir to the Rathbone fortune. Before he leaves Indiana, he plans a beguiling dinner to destroy Amora. Glenda knowing the butler’s disappearance is significant sets on a search to find him alone.
Glenda ventures out West, leaving Detective Charles and APD Detective Division behind. In the midst of the beauty of Big Sur in Central California, her discoveries bring her to such a state—madness invades her analytical makeup. This legend has taken over her mind, her psyche to such a place she doubts her usefulness as a competent officer of the law.About the Author
I started becoming a writer later in life. When my sons were in the process of going out on their own, I took up writing in journals. I wrote topics on news issues I was interested in. I also began forming short stories. One such short story I began researching for found me discovering the strange and mysterious Legend Of Aswang. Using tidbits of what I read, I wrote the short story. I showed it to my youngest son then in college. He said there was definitely something unique about the story, but I needed to think bigger.In the next few years going back to this legend, I wrote two novellas. I had them published but found my writing wasn’t refined enough. The readership was not good. I continued writing short essays, short stories, and larger works of fiction. Two years ago, my short essays and short stories were being published. Terror House Magazine, 34 Parallel Magazine published my short essays and short stories. One year ago I rewrote the book on Aswang, “”The Wind Whistles Wicked””. Now with seventeen years of writing in full concentration, this revision possessed a strength I felt would get the attention of an agent or publisher. With the third draft of this ancient myth, I developed, “”The Islands Tell Of It””.
Legends Of Dreegahnna
Volume One
S. Marcum
About the Book
Is one of a few famous stories from the world of Dreegahnna. Many legends arise from this land and in this volume, you will find the story of Samuel. A human whom travels from his world to another in order to save his only remaining family. Along the way he will find that his sister being taken was only a small part to a larger plot, to overthrow a king and reinstall the greatest evil that the world will ever know to the throne.
About the Author
S. Marcum is a simple man from the mid Appalachia. Growing up he always enjoyed Irish mythology and would spend hours listening to it. In high school he wrote a short story about a strange land and after more than ten years of rewrites the Legends of Dreegahnna had been finished. However, he never felt it was good enough and instead shelved it. It was only after a good long walk in the forest did, he decide to publish it.
A Snake At My Shoulder
Joan Kenny
About the Book
Audrey, a young professional woman returns to rural Canada from England after the unexpected death of her brother James. Audrey re-visits the town full of ghosts from her fraught past… her distant father, two unsatisfactory stepmothers, her dark and dangerous cousin Struan and her childhood mate, Frank.
During a terrible storm, Audrey crashes through the old town bridge. Audrey is pulled from the wreck and is transported to the local hospital where she weaves the threads of her tortured childhood with the trials and triumphs of her new life. Audrey presents this blended fabric to Frank in a fitful and imagined conversation.
She tells him of the successful documentary film company that James and she created in London, and their home away from home in exotic and bustling Cairo. Audrey also confronts her troubled home life, where after the mysterious death of their mother, James and Audrey endure an emotionally void home.
She also remembers her happier moments of lazy summers by the river, or snuggling in the hayloft with Frank, who becomes an invisible vessel for her ravings, to find peace in her tumultuous life.
Yet, Audrey must remember her unspeakably horrific relationship with Struan.About the Author
Joan Kenny’s life has been as adventurous and unpredictable as a colourful Gypsy shawl caught in the wind. She was born in N. Ireland, lived in Canada, and spent eighteen years in England and Holland. Her travels have offered rich experiences to draw upon and provided vivid details for her haunting books.
Stories that Surprise
Flash Fiction for Adults
Jack Fay
About the Book
If asked to name the most important element of a good short story the knowledgeable reader can be expected to say, “The plot, of course, especially when it has a clever twist.” Another of the literary-minded will insist, “Most important, you ask? Surely the answer has to be Interesting characters.” The stories in this book have plenty of both—and more.
About the Author
Jack Fay, a native of Boston, now residing in the Appalachian foothills of northern Georgia, has been churning out non-fiction books for most of the past fifty years. He is now trying his hand in writing fiction. You will not find, he says, even the slightest hint of Hemingway or for that matter of any renowned fiction writer past or present. But he is sure that once you turn a page you will be hooked.
Just Lucky Enough
Ross Fisher
About the Book
““One of the neatest, most realistic stories about the RAF during WW II. Having flown Mustangs out of England in 1943, 1944 and 1945, this book brought back a lot of fond memories of my combat days in the P-51 Mustang.” Brig. General Charles F. Yeager, USAF (Ret’d), World War II Fighter Ace
“Based on my own 20 years experience, I can assure you that you effectively captured the varied personalities of the men who make up a fighter squadron.” Lt. Colonel Gordon P. Zans, Commanding Officer, 410 Squadron, RCAF
“Ross has an unusual feel for the emotions, trials and tribulations of the fighter pilot during that period.” Colonel Dean Caswell, USMC (Ret’d), World War II Fighter Ace
“Everything in your book rang true. A first class, well-written book in every respect … .” Colonel Don Lopez, USAF (Ret’d), Word War II Fighter Ace
“What a great book! I must say that JUST LUCKY ENOUGH maintained my attention as much as any Ian Fleming James Bond novel and provided me as much enjoyment as the works of noted historian Stephen Ambrose.” Author Jeff Kelley
”About the Author
Born nine months after the Roswell, New Mexico landing, Ross Fisher has been a lifelong military historian. He attended college for decades, finally obtaining a BA in History from Elmhurst College at the age of 42. He retired as a Reader’s Advisor to the Blind in 2013. He is fluent in Fighter Pilot and speaks a little English.
Siete Destinos Una Vida
Luis Arcaraz Carrasco
About the Book
Nació en la Cuidad de México el 6 de diciembre de 1936. Su madre Pilar Carrasco Navarrete, fué hija de la afamada cantante de ópera Ada Navarrete y su padre, Luis Arcaraz Torras, fue compositor y director de orquesta. Desde muy pequeño Luis tuvo inclinaciones literarias y artísticas, pero sus padres se opusieron a que estudiará música y actuación, así que decidieron que fuera Contador Público y lo inscribieron en la Escuela Bancaria y Comercial, pero en el segundo año de la carrera, abandonó los estudios de Contaduría e ingresó en la Escuela Libre de Música. Doña Pilar y Don Luis se disgustaron por la decisión del muchacho a tal grado, que le retiraron todo tipo de ayuda económica motivo por el cual, entro a trabajar como agente de ventas en una fábrica de pinturas para sostener sus estudios. Ya para entonces como alumno del colegio Cristóbal Colón, había destacado entre la comunidad estudiantil como escritor de numerosas obras de teatro, siempre en el área de ciencia fi cción, mismas que él y sus compañeros presentaban en las fi estas de fi n de cursos. En 1959 empezó a probar suerte como cantante de rock y no fue sino hasta en 1961, cuando grabó su primer disco con el seudónimo de Mario Sinta, aunque nunca pudo destacar en la música por llamarse igual que su afamado padre, quien además seguía resistente a que el joven Arcaraz desarrollará actividades artísticas. Tiempo después, cuando Luis empezó a tener cierto éxito como cantante, sus padres se convencieron de que efectivamente tenía vocación artística y al morir su padre en un accidente automovilístico el 1 de junio de 1963, los músicos de la orquesta de su Padre le pidieron al cantante que tomará el lugar de Don Luis Arcaraz Torras y se convirtiera en su director. Fue muy difícil para Luis hijo tomar una decisión al respecto, pero acepto el gran reto. Los mejores pronósticos de familiares y amigos eran bastante desalentadores. Le decían que, como director de la orquesta, el duraría solo el tiempo que la curiosidad del público por ver al hijo del gran maestro dirigiendo la orquesta se acabara y cuando mucho le concedían seis meses de actuación. Pero había opiniones aún peores, como la de algunos músicos de otras orquestas, que solían decir “pobre muchachito, no va a poder terminar ni el primer baile en donde se presente”. Pero a pesar de todo, Luis se armó de valor y el 15 de junio, apenas catorce días después de la muerte de su padre, tomó la batuta y debutó en la cuidad de Toluca, Estado de México, en un baile organizado por periodistas. A partir de entonces, Luis Arcaraz Carrasco inició una carrera ininterrumpida de éxitos y satisfacciones tanto en la Republica Mexicana como en Estados Unidos, Guatemala, Costa Rica y varios países más. El “muchachito” que no iba a terminar el primer baile donde se presentará, ya cumplió 47 años al frente de la orquesta fundada por su padre. En 1964 conoció a la estrella de cine Dacia González con quien se casó en 1965. Teniendo dos hijos: Dacia y Luis, quienes han seguido la carrera de ellos. En 1993, Luis fue nombrado secretario general Nacional interino de la Unión de Músicos, Artistas y Modelos de la CROC y en 1998, al terminar el interinato por decisión de los afi liados, fue electo secretario general Nacional para el periodo 1998 2004. En el año de 1994 le detectan Cáncer de Garganta debido a su tabaquismo, y después de muchas sesiones de quimioterapia y radiación, Luis Arcaraz logra superar el Cáncer quedándole como secuela una traqueotomía, la cual le impedía seguir cantando, fue entonces donde vuelca todo su talento en escribir con gran acierto varias novelas, entre ellas están: “Sida en el año 2010”, “Los niños del Futuro” y esta novela llamada “7 Destinos una Vida”. Luis Arcaraz con su positivismo y siendo un luchador incansable, logra ganar la batalla del Cáncer, pero en el año 2011 por una afección de pulmones consecuencia de la traqueotomía que le habían practicado, pierde la batalla y fallece el 28 de junio de 2011. Dejando a su familia sus maravillosas novelas como legado. 7 Destinos una Vida” es la historia de un hombre que invirtió todos sus ahorros en la bolsa de valores y fue víctima del crack de esta en 1991, perdiendo con esto todo su dinero, tomando la decisión de que para su familia él tenía más valor muerto que vivo y decide suicidarse en su automóvil, cuando Mario está tomando la carretera a punto de llegar al lugar que él había escogido para matarse, se le atraviesa una sombra por enfrente del coche haciéndolo frenar repentinamente, pensando que había matado a alguien, se baja del auto pero no ve a nadie pero al volverse a subir al auto, ve que del lado del copiloto se encontraba un hombre. Este le empieza a decir que sabe perfectamente que pensaba suicidarse y había llegado para hacerlo cambiar de opinión, que era una especie de Ángel de la guarda, Mario incrédulo lo corre de su auto pero el ángel le dice que le va a demostrar que es cierto y que todos tenemos siete destinos una vida y todos pasamos por diferentes decisiones las cuales al tomarlas marcan el rumbo que toma nuestro destino, y así le empieza a mostrar cada una de las 7 vidas que pudo haber tenido si hubiera tomado otra decisión en un momento clave de su vida y fi nalmente le muestra que la mejor que tenía, era la que en ese momento vivia y que cualquiera puede volver a empezar, pese a lo que pudo haber sufrido y es como Mario da vuelta al volante y regresa a su casa con su familia.
Betsy and Catherine: An Uncommon Friendship
A Revised and Revisited Edition
Helen Gailey
About the Book
Set in eighteenth-century London, England. This fictional novel touches on the life of the upper crust and those who served them. As they both come together, foolish choices and harrowing consequences take two women—one an aristocrat and the other her servant—into a storm of trial, scorn, and tribulation. Stripped of title, recognition, and value, one wonders who the heroine really is, Catherine or Betsy? Catherine repeatedly asks, “How will Lord Edward find us?” A twisted and perverse judge condemns these two women to the Australian colonies. What is his motivation? Why would he want to hurt two women he’d never seen before? When everything about her life and station no longer has meaning, tears flow for Catherine. What has she done? Her foolishness has bought shame both on herself and her dearest friend, Betsy. How can she go on if they are parted? As Betsy looks back in time, her memories share love, concern, and deep anxiety. As she looks forward, she questions, “Am I worthy of kindness above my station?”
About the Author
Helen has always enjoyed historic English Literature and has taken a deep interest in her English ancestors. She attended the University of Ballarat where she completed a degree in Professional Writing and Editing. She enjoyed it immensely. Over the course of several decades she has written several stories, though this is her first book of this length. She has always had a passion for writing. Thanks to a loving Husband her confidence has blossomed. She enjoys the time she has for writing. Most of all she has wanted to follow the advice of her dear Mother before she died some years ago: ‘Don’t give up your writing’! Offering words crafted in her more mature years, she is happily married and lives in Tucson, Arizona with her husband. She is Australian by birth and has two adult sons and one grandson living in Australia. –This text refers to the hardcover edition.
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