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The Sign Of Christ
Darrell K. Jackson
About the Book
Surprisingly, detailed images on the surface of the earth have been discovered by author Darrell K. Jackson. He provides location maps, pictures, latitude, and longitude, as well as proper viewing altitude to see these in Google Earth. His bible knowledge and bible research has revealed scriptures that describe and depict these many pictures. The satellite photographs that make Google Earth, are not allowed to be copied or printed for sale, Jackson has done detailed illustrations of each picture for you to more easily locate and view these magnificent sites. Many Old Testament bible verse prophesies are literally illustrated by God in picture form. He is available to provide presentations to your church or group as time availability and scheduling permits.
About the Author
DARRELL K. JACKSON has taught bible studies and preached the word of God for many years and continues an ongoing interest in bible prophecy. Having a degree in graphic design enhances his ability to convey meaningful clarity in illustrating God’s word. His career has included business document writing and design of communications network systems; he is now retired after 33 years of service.
The Story Of A Man
Marvin A. Hayes
About the Book
The Story Of A Man is a collection of poems that express emotions of love, pain, laughter, wisdom and self-reflection. Poetry has always been a passion of mine and it later became the avenue to express the memory of the comings and goings of my existence. This is the reason why I chose the title, “”The Story Of A Man.”” Many of the poems were written during my years in undergrad. My college years came and went; however years later I contemplated publishing them. It was then I decided to begin the journey to publish the story of my life.When thinking about the book cover and what I wanted to express to the reader, I chose to use my drawing of Muhammad Ali. Ali is one of my favourite hero’s and a poet himself. In fact the first poem in the book is about Muhammad Ali, a man with an amazing story of struggle and triumph. I selected his picture in hope of attracting the attention of readers who understand each person has an individual story. Just like Ali we all too may experience struggles, pain, and triumph. This book also includes photos that show that my life has been very full.
The photos in the book include pictures of my wife of 50yrs. Mrs. Geraldine Elaine Robinson Hayes, and our legacy which includes my two older children and our five children which makes for 30 grandchildren. I hope that each reader enjoys the poems and pictures and it encourages them to embrace the story of their own life.
About the Author
Marvin A. Hayes, poet, actor, songwriter, and retired U.S.A.F. Vietnam era veteran, a.k.a Jaribu Sasa, was born to Mr. & Mrs. John M. Hayes on September 5, 1948 in Fordyce Ark. In 1950, they moved to Cleveland, Ohio where he attended Cleveland Public Schools and Griswald Institute. This is where his passion for the arts first began.In 1971, he attended Ohio University in Athens, Ohio where he studied English and Arts. He later went to Cuyahoga Community College in Cleveland, Ohio and graduated with Associate of Arts. He started his Acting career in 1980 and got his training at the infamous Karamu House under the stage name “”Abdullah Bey.”” There, he taught and appeared in a variety of plays. The Story Of A Man is a must read. He thanks God and dedicates this book to his family, which is his inspiration.
But Is He Jewish?
and Other Quirky Tales
Daniel Wolf
About the Book
“But Is He Jewish? is divided into three sections. The first section, “Quirky Tales,” consists of fifty short stories. Although each touches upon some aspect of Jewish life and culture, they deal with such universal themes as love, mortality, courage, coming of age, and the importance of family.The following section, “Mishegas” (Yiddish for craziness), includes stand-up comedy routines, the philosophical musings of a fictitious rabbi, advice for daily living (“A Guide for the Confused”), “Eighty Questions to Ponder,” and nonsensical poetry (“Quit”).ho
The final section, “Animals with Attitudes”, features four humorous mini-plays with animals (elephants, lions, housecats, and rhinoceroses) taking on Jewish characteristics and even speaking some Yiddish (translations provided).
In all, But Is He Jewish? provides a delightful reading experience, as it addresses a variety of topics in a mostly humorous but always human manner.”
About the Author
“Daniel Wolf was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He retired from the Philadelphia Public School system in June 2015, having taught English as a Second Language for twenty-four years, primarily at the elementary level. In addition, from 1983 to 1993, he lived and taught English in Japan, during which time he traveled extensively both in Japan and throughout Asia.In addition to being a short-story writer, Mr. Wolf has composed five complete musicals (book, music, and lyrics) and has published five plays, all of which can be viewed at www.danielwolfmusic.com
He also performs stand-up comedy throughout the Philadelphia region. You can view his comedy routines and music videos on his YouTube channel: Daniel Wolf Music & Comedy. Other interests include chess, traditional Japanese archery (kyudo), cycling, nature walks, and exotic cuisine. He can be reached at [email protected]”
Outer Realm: Advent of Fire
Part One (Full Color Edition) & (Black and White)
Abdul-Azeez Ayodele Azeez
About the Book
Lord Franklin and his men encounter a being known as Kraag. Kraag informs them that he intends to eradicate humanity and like kind. Lord Franklin believes it’s a trick from his adversary, Hector. Lord Franklin returns to his home Corithni and is initially met with hostility. The archers inform him of strange happenings in the castle. Suddenly, lycanthropes surround them. The leader of them, Fragaa, claims to come in peace. She changes to a human form but has black eyes like Kraag. She explains she wants to prevent catastrophe and convinces Lord Franklin to let her show him a parallel reality where the disaster occurred.About the Author
Abdul-Azeez was born in the Bronx to immigrant parents from Nigeria. A graduate of City College of the City University of New York with a degree in Psychology, he is a product of the New York public school system. His love for writing started at an early age. He was inspired by several mediums from comic books, movies, video games, anime, and the works of philosophers, both contemporary and ancient. The goal was to tell a story that both resonated and captivated audiences, as well as giving them some sort of introspection. -
Always Tomorrow
Jim Perry
About the Book
Ben Dawson, a young Army Sergeant stationed in Germany, is called home unexpectedly to attend the funerals of his parents. Involved in a tragic car accident, he learns they died in a mysterious manner, leaving few clues as to why it might have happened. Over the coming weeks, Ben learns he can trust no one except a few close friends, gains unlikely allies, and tries to unravel a mystery that threatens national security. Back in Germany waits Allie Morgan, also a soldier, with whom he has fallen in love. Will he ever see her again?About the Author
Jim Perry is a retired US Army Sergeant living in a small town in central Delaware. Between enjoying his children and grandchildren, hot rods, and car shows, he makes time to carry out a lifelong desire to write and publish stories that reflect his past, as well as fiction ideas that have simmered in his mind for decades. He grew up in southern Dorchester County, Maryland where he enjoyed some of the best days of his life, recalling a more simple, innocent period of his life. Later, the Army would open up new and exciting experiences.
Our Titles
At Gotopublish, we believe that everyone can craft the imaginable. We publish titles in nearly every shape, size, and format. We house a wide array of books – nonfiction in most categories – from general fiction, science fiction, romance novels, personal memoirs, Christian books, and many more.
Showing 1–10 of 432 results
Mothers, Sisters, Daughters
Standing on Their Shoulders
Edwina Gateley and Sandra Mattucci
About the Book
Portraits of 22 extraordinary women whose lives have made, and continue to make, a lasting impact on our world. They are saints, mystics, martyrs, reformers, poets, missionaries, environmentalists, and mothers from diverse cultures and countries. Here are women upon whose shoulders all women stand. Here are their amazing stories, with haunting reflections by the poet Edwina Gateley and revealing biographies and drawings by Sandra Mattucci.About the Author
Edwina Gateley is a bestselling author and poet, a pioneering missioner and lay minister, well known to large numbers of Catholics and mainline Christians in the USA, Canada, Britain and Ireland. She has been featured on CBS’s “60 Minutes” and on “48 Hours,” and is in high demand as a speaker and retreat giver. Her bestselling books include Soul Sisters, Christ in the Margins, I Hear a Seed Growing, and In God’s Womb. She lives in Erie, PA. See edwinagateley.com Sandra Mattucci, a chaplain and spiritual director, is the author and artist of children’s books, including The Long Journey Home. She lives in Newington, CT. -
Old Timers Day
Richard Lopresto
About the Book
A good friend of mine invited me to attend church service at Central Church in Henderson, Nevada several years ago. I was so grateful for the invitation because my soul was longing for something deeper than my personal spirituality. The first service I attended was truly amazing and I thoroughly enjoyed it with all my heart and soul. I have never experienced a church service like this in my entire life. I could not wait to return to Central Church the following week with my friend. During my second visit The Lord spoke to me and laid on my heart to write the story “Old Timers Day”. I had not written anything for many years, and I knew I needed help to complete this book properly. Thankfully my best friend and mentor Jerry Schafer, an award-winning writer, producer and director agreed to co-author the book! It is my sincere desire and prayer to develop a screenplay worthy of this heartwarming tale and turn “Old Timers Day” into a major motion picture!Please enjoy “Old Timers Day”.
All glory to our Lord and Savior! -
Revised Edition
Lee Carson
About the book
Lee Carson is eighty-six years old and has been married to Velma, his wife, for sixty-six years. They have a married son, Scott, daughter-in-law, Dee, daughter, Perian, two granddaughters, Megan Carson, and Haley Metzner who is married to Paul with a son named Carson Metzner. Carson is a retired teacher who has spent most of his life working and teaching in the crafts of machinist and mechanic. He has taught Sunday school classes for children and youth most of his adult life, served as a camp counselor for children at youth summer camps, and as a vacation Bible school teacher, and currently teaches a senior adult Sunday school class. Also an avid bible student, he has served as and taught lay speaking, held most of the lay positions in his local church, and served as a delegate to the United Methodist Church’s Texas Jurisdictional, and General Conferences. He uses his life experiences in writing this book. ALPH is another book written by Mr. Carson that carries readers back to the first century to explore what everyday life was like for the people who occupied Judah and Galilee during the time of Christ. A thoughtful, rich, and inspiring depiction of ancient life, it follows two generations as they cope with issues of faith and daily living without the blessings – or burdens – of modern conveniences. Full of historical facts and biblical truths it is sure to both enlighten and entertain. Available on Amazon. -
Beyond Stairs
Professor Ouele
About the Book
BEYOND STAIRS is a movie in ten episodes in which the author highlights the prejudices that society has regarding disabled. For some, a disabled is a useless being; he or she should not go to school. For others, he or she has no right to work and therefore must beg in the streets. For others, a disabled person is a mystical being who could only bear disabled children and therefore, should not get married. In this jail-like universe, the disabled must struggle to prove that he or she is equal, and perhaps even superior, to other people. -
Three Days After
Brendon F. Ribble
About the Book
It was never the intention of the author for this novel to be perceived to be anything more than a fictitious representation of Scriptural prophecy in a modern day setting. Since prophetical interpretations vary greatly, arguments could be made that the storyline incorporates inaccurate details regarding the Antichrist and end times. I will not debate this point. With that said, it was the intention of the author to present a theoretically feasible and plausible scenario that incorporates the technological capabilities of today’s society. And, to demonstrate how those capabilities could be used to promote the interests of a person or group at the expense of humanity. That is why all the events were written with a critical eye toward whether they were realistically achievable within man’s limited capabilities. Eric Dent, the oil consortium, Sheik Omani and Sylvan had similar, albeit not identical, goals, and all were willing to sacrifice humanity to achieve those goals within those constraints. When the Antichrist comes, he will have at minimum paranormal and possibly supernatural capabilities. The restrictions that were placed on the characters in this novel will not be placed on him. Prophecy is clear that he will be able to rally the world, en masse, around his person and his initiatives. It is your choice whether you are prepared. -
Love Remains
Jeffrey Elliott-Cruz
About the Book
Adilene Idalie also known as Betty Sharon is an accomplished internationally respected fashion model. She is also an excellent writer, reader, loves literature, music, and poetry both classical and modern forms such as rap and hip hop. Adilene is a fitness expert and enthusiast. She is fluent in English and Spanish and enjoys the arts in both venues. She is a cofounder of Team Peach, a popular organization which promotes the best in modeling. In addition, she has her own website. Adilene has been involved in modeling and related activities since becoming Ms. Teen Latina, Arizona during her teen years. She has appeared in numerous music, modeling and tutorial videos. Many can be seen on YouTube. Adilene is the inspiration for this book, “Love Remains”. She has an extraordinary faith in God, which she attributes to her family, especially her sister, in whom, she shares an incredibly close relationship. Adilene is currently working on writing and publishing her own series of romantic novels.“Love gives an incredible sense of meaning, context and purpose to the universe and is the secret behind all true beauty.” – Adilene Idalie”
About the Author
Jeffrey Elliott-Cruz is a recognized poet and has published three volumes of poetry under the name Jeffrey E. Elliott with his daughter Emily Jane Elliott-Gardacci. He is a retired associate college professor and semi-retired attorney. He enjoys literature, especially, classical poetry. He especially enjoys the great Scottish poet Robert Burns. Jeffrey is extremely impressed with Adilene Idalie’s deep faith in God and her closeness with her family. He has noticed Adilene is not a self-center person, but to the contrary, manifests an abiding courage, faith, commitment to her work and ideals of faith. Hence, Adilene was the inspiration behind the book, “Love Remains”. “Poetry often expresses life’s highest ideals and most sublime feelings” – Jeffrey Elliott-“ -
The Anointing Exposes the Deeds of the Flesh
Merits Henry
About the Book
The Time Has Come To Receive As a people birthed with purpose, God has reserved the best for the last to display his tangible anointing power to a dying world. The anointing is that divine inducement from above, and not a desire of emotional feelings. It comes not with years of experience, status and articulates. But rather it is given by laying aside every weight and sin that easily besets us. He has placed a “”now power”” (Ephesians 3:20) on the inside of you to defeat your adversary. This power is actually on the inside of you right now. This is the beginning of miracles concerning you – just believe! Discovering the anointing on your life; you will realize that it an inheritance given to serve and not to be served.
I believe we are at a prophetic crossroad in history to witness a people with a new birth – destined to walk in a double portion of his spirit, just as Elisha received a double portion of Elijah’s spirit. God has saved us, the best, for the last. Therefore, we must desire nothing less than the anointing that destroys yokes of bondage, opens blind eyes, straightens crippled limbs, mends broken homes and deliver every captive. God’s Word promises that there will be an overflow, or a double portion, of wine and oil (or anointing), coming your way in one month. That’s a double blessing! This double portion is waiting for you, it is part of your inheritance through Christ Jesus. It will show you how to walk in the anointing of the Holy Spirit and do greater works than that of the risen Messiah. This is your hour of power! This is your day to receive your double portion. After reading this book your life should never be the same again. It is my desire that readers obtain spiritual experiences and insights that will enlarge their spiritual vision for tomorrow.About the Author
Merits is the author of three books. “The Anointing Exposes the Deeds of the Flesh” and “The Spiritual Benefits of Praise” and Worship, and “Love Reveals the Heart of God,” which is one of the most inspirational books ever written about the sovereign and eternal love of God.
He is the founder of Worship Conference Ministries, Canada, Cayman Islands and Jamaica. He is a licensed counselor as well as a Certified Chaplain. He has a passion for teaching people about Christ and help them to walk in the freedom that God has ordained.
With a voice of hope and encouragement, he travels extensively preaching and teaching the Word of God.
Known for his charming personality and winsome countenance, Rev. Dr. Merits is a firm believer that, “it is not what you are in Christ, but who you are in Christ”. -
Bad Dreams of a Hungry Dog
Poems of Spiritual Odyssey and A Quest For Enlightenment
Jere Truer
About the Book
My poetry book, Bad Dreams of Hungry Dogs, is my meditation on my spiritual journey and my dialogue with the divine. As a poet, I see my job as one who stands in the midst of the world and reports what he experiences from the point of view of the soul. And so these poems are my soul reactions and responses to outer events in the world in which we live, and also my responses to my own yearnings and questions. Sometimes my responses are angry and confrontive, and sometimes they are beatitudes of grace.
Like most people these days as I face the challenges of life, my attitude is more spiritual than religious per se. And yet I do delve deeply into religious traditions of which I have partaken and honored. My relationship with God is personal and intimate. And like all relationships, it is comforting, discomforting, challenging, and often baffling.
The title refers to a remark said to me years ago, “The search for enlightenment is like the bad dream of a hungry dog.” Hungry dogs whimper and nudge. They whine and pant. They desperately seek something out of privation. Such is our plight as humans in relation to the divine.About the Author
Jere Truer is a poet who has published widely in various journals in Canada and the U.S. He has given many poetry reading and also participated in writing labs and group performances. Jere considered a career in the ministry when young and has pursued a study of spiritual and metaphysical matters most of his life. He has a previous book of poems, “The Art of Dying”, Austin Macauley Publishers, in which he works through his grief regarding the death of his wife Tamara from breast cancer.
In both his spiritual pursuit and his professional work, Jere has sought ways to bring deep healing for often traumatic wounds. In this current book of poems, he converses with God in very intimate and sometimes confrontive ways. Jere’s own beliefs respect the Abrahamic tradition, as well as Buddhist and Asian thought, trying weave together a conversation wherein all faith is, if not the same, a seeking for goodness, grace, and peace.
As in his previous book, the issues raised are universal and express thoughts and feelings that lie hidden in the human heart. He lives in Arizona but grew up and had a private psychotherapy practice in Minneapolis. For the past fifteen years, he has been on the faculty of Adler Graduate School. He has several grown children and grandchildren. His other loves include composing music and collecting instruments from around the world. He is also a gifted storyteller, accompanying himself with a hand drum and telling ancient folk tales. -
The Sword and the Rose
Tara Sufiana
About the Book
An unplanned adventure finds Tara Sufiana amidst the Sufis of Egypt for five years. Immersed in their mystical practices, she discovers the dervish within, expressing herself through sacred dance and music at religious festivals throughout Egypt. Within the Sufi enclave, an unusual love story with a dervish sheikh unfolds. When not roaming with the Sufis, or off on her own wild escapades, Tara survives by singing and dancing for hotels, cruise ships, folkloric shows, TV and films, crowned by a dance om top of the Great Pyramid. The rich culture of a Middle Eastern society is revealed throughout this amazing odyssey.
About the Author
Born in Switzerland of a Swiss father and American mother, Tara Sufiana has lives most of her life in the United States with extended travels in 30 countries. Her professions include flamenco dancing, singing, modeling, belly dancing, acting and writing. Tara’s articles have been published in leading magazines in four countries. She conducts workshops in Egyptian Dervish dance internationally. Although she holds university degrees in Psychology and India Studies, Tara gathers a wealth of knowledge through personal experience. When not traveling she resides in her mountain home in northern California.
Zero to Infinity
Andrew Pappachen
About the Author
Andrew Pappachen is an Indian-American by heritage and an environmental engineer by profession. He retired as Director of Public Works from a big city government in New Jersey and lives in Montville, New Jersey, USA with his wife Somini. Currently, he is working as an Environmental Management Consultant. His Daughter Simmy lives in St. Petersburgh, Florida. His son Kevin is married to Grace and they live in Bergen County, New Jersey. Andrew has written and published several books both in English and in his native language, Malayalam, which is spoken in the State of Kerala, India. His latest English book, A Journey Alone is his biography along with the other two books, Love with the Ghost and Rays of Light From The darkness of A Prison cell are published by Author House. At the end of every book, Andrew concludes with certain philosophy of life that he believes in. In this book, Andrew tries an expedition thorough the universe, Earth and human life to find an answer to the purpose of life.
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