Featured Books
The Sign Of Christ
Darrell K. Jackson
About the Book
Surprisingly, detailed images on the surface of the earth have been discovered by author Darrell K. Jackson. He provides location maps, pictures, latitude, and longitude, as well as proper viewing altitude to see these in Google Earth. His bible knowledge and bible research has revealed scriptures that describe and depict these many pictures. The satellite photographs that make Google Earth, are not allowed to be copied or printed for sale, Jackson has done detailed illustrations of each picture for you to more easily locate and view these magnificent sites. Many Old Testament bible verse prophesies are literally illustrated by God in picture form. He is available to provide presentations to your church or group as time availability and scheduling permits.
About the Author
DARRELL K. JACKSON has taught bible studies and preached the word of God for many years and continues an ongoing interest in bible prophecy. Having a degree in graphic design enhances his ability to convey meaningful clarity in illustrating God’s word. His career has included business document writing and design of communications network systems; he is now retired after 33 years of service.
The Story Of A Man
Marvin A. Hayes
About the Book
The Story Of A Man is a collection of poems that express emotions of love, pain, laughter, wisdom and self-reflection. Poetry has always been a passion of mine and it later became the avenue to express the memory of the comings and goings of my existence. This is the reason why I chose the title, “”The Story Of A Man.”” Many of the poems were written during my years in undergrad. My college years came and went; however years later I contemplated publishing them. It was then I decided to begin the journey to publish the story of my life.When thinking about the book cover and what I wanted to express to the reader, I chose to use my drawing of Muhammad Ali. Ali is one of my favourite hero’s and a poet himself. In fact the first poem in the book is about Muhammad Ali, a man with an amazing story of struggle and triumph. I selected his picture in hope of attracting the attention of readers who understand each person has an individual story. Just like Ali we all too may experience struggles, pain, and triumph. This book also includes photos that show that my life has been very full.
The photos in the book include pictures of my wife of 50yrs. Mrs. Geraldine Elaine Robinson Hayes, and our legacy which includes my two older children and our five children which makes for 30 grandchildren. I hope that each reader enjoys the poems and pictures and it encourages them to embrace the story of their own life.
About the Author
Marvin A. Hayes, poet, actor, songwriter, and retired U.S.A.F. Vietnam era veteran, a.k.a Jaribu Sasa, was born to Mr. & Mrs. John M. Hayes on September 5, 1948 in Fordyce Ark. In 1950, they moved to Cleveland, Ohio where he attended Cleveland Public Schools and Griswald Institute. This is where his passion for the arts first began.In 1971, he attended Ohio University in Athens, Ohio where he studied English and Arts. He later went to Cuyahoga Community College in Cleveland, Ohio and graduated with Associate of Arts. He started his Acting career in 1980 and got his training at the infamous Karamu House under the stage name “”Abdullah Bey.”” There, he taught and appeared in a variety of plays. The Story Of A Man is a must read. He thanks God and dedicates this book to his family, which is his inspiration.
But Is He Jewish?
and Other Quirky Tales
Daniel Wolf
About the Book
“But Is He Jewish? is divided into three sections. The first section, “Quirky Tales,” consists of fifty short stories. Although each touches upon some aspect of Jewish life and culture, they deal with such universal themes as love, mortality, courage, coming of age, and the importance of family.The following section, “Mishegas” (Yiddish for craziness), includes stand-up comedy routines, the philosophical musings of a fictitious rabbi, advice for daily living (“A Guide for the Confused”), “Eighty Questions to Ponder,” and nonsensical poetry (“Quit”).ho
The final section, “Animals with Attitudes”, features four humorous mini-plays with animals (elephants, lions, housecats, and rhinoceroses) taking on Jewish characteristics and even speaking some Yiddish (translations provided).
In all, But Is He Jewish? provides a delightful reading experience, as it addresses a variety of topics in a mostly humorous but always human manner.”
About the Author
“Daniel Wolf was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He retired from the Philadelphia Public School system in June 2015, having taught English as a Second Language for twenty-four years, primarily at the elementary level. In addition, from 1983 to 1993, he lived and taught English in Japan, during which time he traveled extensively both in Japan and throughout Asia.In addition to being a short-story writer, Mr. Wolf has composed five complete musicals (book, music, and lyrics) and has published five plays, all of which can be viewed at www.danielwolfmusic.com
He also performs stand-up comedy throughout the Philadelphia region. You can view his comedy routines and music videos on his YouTube channel: Daniel Wolf Music & Comedy. Other interests include chess, traditional Japanese archery (kyudo), cycling, nature walks, and exotic cuisine. He can be reached at [email protected]”
Outer Realm: Advent of Fire
Part One (Full Color Edition) & (Black and White)
Abdul-Azeez Ayodele Azeez
About the Book
Lord Franklin and his men encounter a being known as Kraag. Kraag informs them that he intends to eradicate humanity and like kind. Lord Franklin believes it’s a trick from his adversary, Hector. Lord Franklin returns to his home Corithni and is initially met with hostility. The archers inform him of strange happenings in the castle. Suddenly, lycanthropes surround them. The leader of them, Fragaa, claims to come in peace. She changes to a human form but has black eyes like Kraag. She explains she wants to prevent catastrophe and convinces Lord Franklin to let her show him a parallel reality where the disaster occurred.About the Author
Abdul-Azeez was born in the Bronx to immigrant parents from Nigeria. A graduate of City College of the City University of New York with a degree in Psychology, he is a product of the New York public school system. His love for writing started at an early age. He was inspired by several mediums from comic books, movies, video games, anime, and the works of philosophers, both contemporary and ancient. The goal was to tell a story that both resonated and captivated audiences, as well as giving them some sort of introspection. -
Always Tomorrow
Jim Perry
About the Book
Ben Dawson, a young Army Sergeant stationed in Germany, is called home unexpectedly to attend the funerals of his parents. Involved in a tragic car accident, he learns they died in a mysterious manner, leaving few clues as to why it might have happened. Over the coming weeks, Ben learns he can trust no one except a few close friends, gains unlikely allies, and tries to unravel a mystery that threatens national security. Back in Germany waits Allie Morgan, also a soldier, with whom he has fallen in love. Will he ever see her again?About the Author
Jim Perry is a retired US Army Sergeant living in a small town in central Delaware. Between enjoying his children and grandchildren, hot rods, and car shows, he makes time to carry out a lifelong desire to write and publish stories that reflect his past, as well as fiction ideas that have simmered in his mind for decades. He grew up in southern Dorchester County, Maryland where he enjoyed some of the best days of his life, recalling a more simple, innocent period of his life. Later, the Army would open up new and exciting experiences.
Our Titles
At Gotopublish, we believe that everyone can craft the imaginable. We publish titles in nearly every shape, size, and format. We house a wide array of books – nonfiction in most categories – from general fiction, science fiction, romance novels, personal memoirs, Christian books, and many more.
Showing 391–400 of 432 results
Let’s Detox The Soul
Donyale Dabney
About the Book
Detox the Soul,” is a book that eliminates all deadly toxins, poisons, impurities, and filth that lie in the core of our soul. Caused by hurts, pains, disappointments, and traumatic experiences, these toxins are released when issues have not been properly dealt with. When things like verbal abuse, sexual abuse, and physical abuse have not been addressed, we know when things are hidden and swept under the rug and not exposed, they can cause severe damage to our soul. During the course of this prayer, you will experience a healing and breakthrough in the soul that only the Anointing of God can do. Your mind will be renewed; your heart will be purified; your emotions will be healed and made whole so that ultimately your “Will” will line up with the “Will” of God. So are you ready to be healed, set free, and delivered? Are you ready for the chains to be broken off? Well, let us go before the throne of Grace and DETOX YOUR SOUL!
About the Author
Apostle Donyale M. Dabney is an anointed woman of God. Born in Oakland, California, she is a devoted mother of two beautiful daughters Meagan and Cameryn: and a handsome grandson Cayden. She is a visionary, true worshipper, intercessor, prayer warrior, author, singer/songwriter, ordained prophet, and an anointed teacher of the Gospel who loves the word of God. Apostle Donyale faithfully served many years as a personal intercessor and armor-bearer and traveled internationally to Dubai and Indonesia, ministering in revivals and healing crusades. She served as a prayer coordinator and was Head of Intercession for the Antelope Valley Unity Tent Revival in Lancaster, California, and she has served her community through partnering with various organizations in providing the homeless hot Thanksgiving meals annually.Apostle Donyale is the Founder of Testimony Times International Ministries. She is the Founder of 5 AM Gathering Prayer Ministry and Bread of Heaven Outreach. She is the author of several books, “”Let’s Have Church Book Series/Are you a useable Vessel”, Let’s Gather Together in Prayer Book Series/Deliverance for Destiny, and her soon published book Let’s Gather Together in Prayer Book Series/A Blueprint to Revival. She is also the CEO of The Billie Sue Company/Billie Sue Designs, Billie Sue Products, and Billie 2 Billy Music/Publishing.
Siete Destinos Una Vida
Luis Arcaraz Carrasco
About the Book
Nació en la Cuidad de México el 6 de diciembre de 1936. Su madre Pilar Carrasco Navarrete, fué hija de la afamada cantante de ópera Ada Navarrete y su padre, Luis Arcaraz Torras, fue compositor y director de orquesta. Desde muy pequeño Luis tuvo inclinaciones literarias y artísticas, pero sus padres se opusieron a que estudiará música y actuación, así que decidieron que fuera Contador Público y lo inscribieron en la Escuela Bancaria y Comercial, pero en el segundo año de la carrera, abandonó los estudios de Contaduría e ingresó en la Escuela Libre de Música. Doña Pilar y Don Luis se disgustaron por la decisión del muchacho a tal grado, que le retiraron todo tipo de ayuda económica motivo por el cual, entro a trabajar como agente de ventas en una fábrica de pinturas para sostener sus estudios. Ya para entonces como alumno del colegio Cristóbal Colón, había destacado entre la comunidad estudiantil como escritor de numerosas obras de teatro, siempre en el área de ciencia fi cción, mismas que él y sus compañeros presentaban en las fi estas de fi n de cursos. En 1959 empezó a probar suerte como cantante de rock y no fue sino hasta en 1961, cuando grabó su primer disco con el seudónimo de Mario Sinta, aunque nunca pudo destacar en la música por llamarse igual que su afamado padre, quien además seguía resistente a que el joven Arcaraz desarrollará actividades artísticas. Tiempo después, cuando Luis empezó a tener cierto éxito como cantante, sus padres se convencieron de que efectivamente tenía vocación artística y al morir su padre en un accidente automovilístico el 1 de junio de 1963, los músicos de la orquesta de su Padre le pidieron al cantante que tomará el lugar de Don Luis Arcaraz Torras y se convirtiera en su director. Fue muy difícil para Luis hijo tomar una decisión al respecto, pero acepto el gran reto. Los mejores pronósticos de familiares y amigos eran bastante desalentadores. Le decían que, como director de la orquesta, el duraría solo el tiempo que la curiosidad del público por ver al hijo del gran maestro dirigiendo la orquesta se acabara y cuando mucho le concedían seis meses de actuación. Pero había opiniones aún peores, como la de algunos músicos de otras orquestas, que solían decir “pobre muchachito, no va a poder terminar ni el primer baile en donde se presente”. Pero a pesar de todo, Luis se armó de valor y el 15 de junio, apenas catorce días después de la muerte de su padre, tomó la batuta y debutó en la cuidad de Toluca, Estado de México, en un baile organizado por periodistas. A partir de entonces, Luis Arcaraz Carrasco inició una carrera ininterrumpida de éxitos y satisfacciones tanto en la Republica Mexicana como en Estados Unidos, Guatemala, Costa Rica y varios países más. El “muchachito” que no iba a terminar el primer baile donde se presentará, ya cumplió 47 años al frente de la orquesta fundada por su padre. En 1964 conoció a la estrella de cine Dacia González con quien se casó en 1965. Teniendo dos hijos: Dacia y Luis, quienes han seguido la carrera de ellos. En 1993, Luis fue nombrado secretario general Nacional interino de la Unión de Músicos, Artistas y Modelos de la CROC y en 1998, al terminar el interinato por decisión de los afi liados, fue electo secretario general Nacional para el periodo 1998 2004. En el año de 1994 le detectan Cáncer de Garganta debido a su tabaquismo, y después de muchas sesiones de quimioterapia y radiación, Luis Arcaraz logra superar el Cáncer quedándole como secuela una traqueotomía, la cual le impedía seguir cantando, fue entonces donde vuelca todo su talento en escribir con gran acierto varias novelas, entre ellas están: “Sida en el año 2010”, “Los niños del Futuro” y esta novela llamada “7 Destinos una Vida”. Luis Arcaraz con su positivismo y siendo un luchador incansable, logra ganar la batalla del Cáncer, pero en el año 2011 por una afección de pulmones consecuencia de la traqueotomía que le habían practicado, pierde la batalla y fallece el 28 de junio de 2011. Dejando a su familia sus maravillosas novelas como legado. 7 Destinos una Vida” es la historia de un hombre que invirtió todos sus ahorros en la bolsa de valores y fue víctima del crack de esta en 1991, perdiendo con esto todo su dinero, tomando la decisión de que para su familia él tenía más valor muerto que vivo y decide suicidarse en su automóvil, cuando Mario está tomando la carretera a punto de llegar al lugar que él había escogido para matarse, se le atraviesa una sombra por enfrente del coche haciéndolo frenar repentinamente, pensando que había matado a alguien, se baja del auto pero no ve a nadie pero al volverse a subir al auto, ve que del lado del copiloto se encontraba un hombre. Este le empieza a decir que sabe perfectamente que pensaba suicidarse y había llegado para hacerlo cambiar de opinión, que era una especie de Ángel de la guarda, Mario incrédulo lo corre de su auto pero el ángel le dice que le va a demostrar que es cierto y que todos tenemos siete destinos una vida y todos pasamos por diferentes decisiones las cuales al tomarlas marcan el rumbo que toma nuestro destino, y así le empieza a mostrar cada una de las 7 vidas que pudo haber tenido si hubiera tomado otra decisión en un momento clave de su vida y fi nalmente le muestra que la mejor que tenía, era la que en ese momento vivia y que cualquiera puede volver a empezar, pese a lo que pudo haber sufrido y es como Mario da vuelta al volante y regresa a su casa con su familia.
But Is He Jewish? and Other Quirky Tales (Full-Color Edition)
Daniel Wolf
About the Book
But Is He Jewish? is divided into three sections. The first section, “Quirky Tales,” consists of fifty short stories. Although each touches upon some aspect of Jewish life and culture, they deal with such universal themes as love, mortality, courage, coming of age, and the importance of family.The following section, “Mishegas” (Yiddish for craziness), includes stand-up comedy routines, the philosophical musings of a fictitious rabbi, advice for daily living (“A Guide for the Confused”), “Eighty Questions to Ponder,” and nonsensical poetry (“Quit”).
The final section, “Animals with Attitudes”, features four humorous mini-plays with animals (elephants, lions, housecats, and rhinoceroses) taking on Jewish characteristics and even speaking some Yiddish (translations provided).
In all, But Is He Jewish? provides a delightful reading experience, as it addresses a variety of topics in a mostly humorous but always human manner.
About the Author
Daniel Wolf was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He retired from the Philadelphia Public School system in June 2015, having taught English as a Second Language for twenty-four years, primarily at the elementary level. In addition, from 1983 to 1993, he lived and taught English in Japan, during which time he traveled extensively both in Japan and throughout Asia.In addition to being a short-story writer, Mr. Wolf has composed five complete musicals (book, music, and lyrics) and has published five plays, all of which can be viewed at www.danielwolfmusic.com
He also performs stand-up comedy throughout the Philadelphia region. You can view his comedy routines and music videos on his YouTube channel: Daniel Wolf Music & Comedy. Other interests include chess, traditional Japanese archery (kyudo), cycling, nature walks, and exotic cuisine. He can be reached at [email protected]
Sex and Chocolate
The Science of Sexual Engineering
Cfayla Johnson
About the Book
Wellness Strategy Solution / Aphrodisiac Lifestyle / Chemist In The Kitchen / Seafood Sex / Sexual Engineering / 5 minute Orgasm / Prana Sex Solution / Whole Foodist / Epigenetics Sex Solution / Sex on the Sea / Pandemic Wellness Solution / Bionic Fitness / Avatar Sex / Yoga Wheel Flow / Aerial Silk Therapy / Aqua Inversion Solution / “Regen” Sex Cocktail SolutionAbout the Author
Cfayla Johnson is a leading-edge strategic wellness consultant in Florida; having relocated during the pandemic from Los Angeles, California. She has been a personal health consultant over 20 years. Her clients see her as a living portal of the latest knowledge on sexuality, spirituality, food and mood. -
Where Is God?
June Valentine
About the Book
Little panda, CLAIRE is in despair, she can’t find God anywhere! But hope abounds to change her frown. If you search for God, He can be found!
About the Author
JUNE VALENTINE is an author and illustrator. She enjoys creating inspirational children’s books. June worked as a travel marketer for many years. At work she would doodle many story characters. Co-workers and family would listen as she shared her stories. She lives in the small town of Tamaqua, Pennsylvania, with her husband and two dogs, Katie and Lucy. June is also a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators.
Sonnets of Faith
A Journey of Reflective Devotion
Jeffrey Elliott Cruz & Emily Jane Elliott Nardacci
About the Book
“””Sonnets of Faith”” is a superbly written work of poetry, psalms, and sonnets, which focus on the precepts and meaning of faith in everyday life. “”Sonnets of Faith”” is unique, but also, in keeping with the wonderful tradition of poets of faith, such as Eliza R. Snow.The book also includes two additional subsections: a subsection of romantic poetry, and a section of bonus poetry. Both of these subsections tantalize the reader with a wide variety of concepts and themes.
The book “”Sonnets of Faith”” is well worth the read and will enrich and sustain the reader with salient insights, inspirational themes and quotable lines.
”About the Author
JEFFREY ELLIOTT CRUZ received his A.A. in Business and History from West Valley College in Saratoga, California. He furthers his studies by obtaining a B.S. degree in Psychology and an extra major skill in writing from Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. Mr. Elliott also holds a J.D. from Santa Clara Law School in Santa Clara, California. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Real Estate Department at Mission College in Santa Clara, California and has a small law practice in San Jose, California.EMILY JANE ELLIOTT NARDACCI is the daughter of Jeffrey Elliott Cruz and has been writing at an early age. She has graced this work with a composition, entitled “Memories”, written just after her grandmother, Carol Marilyn Curtis, passed from this life. She lives in Afton, Wyoming and is the proud mother of Ryder Otto Hillstead.
Leno Puentes
About the Book
This book has a little bit about everything, my opinions, politics, events, some history, some sports. I am sure that there are writings in here of interest for everyone, it is life. There is some history that some might not know for the fact most schools do not teach or they might have an agenda to keep the students dumb. I know I am not a scholar so there might be a period where a comma should be or a noun where a verb should be. Just bear with me and laugh at me if you want. Have a good time. -
A Flash of Life
Lani Kauten
About the Book
Lani Kauten’s wicked memoir of her brother, John, foretold an intimate chronicle of emotional ties that forged a special bond…Dreams are just dreams they say, but my nightmares weren’t just dreams.
About the Author
Lani Kauten grew up in Concord when it was a small town in Northern California, around a tight-knit family, with an open-door policy to family and friends. This later encouraged the foundation to write. Kauten is also a long-standing member of Write On and California Writers Circle of Orange County. She worked as an Administrative Assistant for almost thirty years, most of which were in the oil industry.She launched her first short story, Breaking Summer, back in 2014. Knightfall: Midnight at the Montclaire, an anthology which is a product of the collaborative efforts of the author and California Writers Circle, is also available on Amazon. She is currently wrapping up her latest book, The Briefcase, and is in the process of working on another title, called The Umbrella Jade.
She now resides with her family in Orange County, California.
Held Hostage
Toxic Relationship? GET OUT!
Ralph Sanders
About the Book
IN YOUR RELATIONSHIP?An emotional hostage-taker can be your partner, your child, your parents or any person in your life. They can be hard to spot and even harder to cope with. What will be consistent is a dynamic that is destructive and painful. These people have not learned to accept responsibility for their own feelings and actions, and your unawareness
will allow them to assign you that role.
Hostage takers are not necessarily ‘bad’ people, but they are extremely dangerous. In my case, the hostage-taker was a hostage herself, someone in need of healing and compassion. Because her wounds were hidden, what started as a romance deteriorated through an erosion of trust and an endless, draining crisis of faith…. I was caught off guard
in my own choice to ignore the signs, slipping into a web of danger that could have landed me behind bars. My personal boundaries were as ineffective as a soap bubble, leaving me an emotional hostage in the end. My situation ended when the nightmare of my partner’s break-down culminated in a suicide attempt. Though I had already made the choice to live, literally, as an open book and sharing my life’s lessons, I nevertheless have lived much of my adult life living with a past that could’ve easily destroyed my future success.
After what for many people would have been an affair at the end of a marriage, with all the messiness and moral responsibility to address the emotions around it, I found myself embroiled in a court battle and countless months struggling to identify what was hunting me, grasping for any closure. It took this desperate need for closure and a lot of emotional and spiritual work to identify the traps of my own unawareness and desire for a woman— an experience that could’ve even had me shot and killed over a false 911 call.“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the
LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11″About the Author
“Ralph Sanders is a mentor and motivational coach working to inspire youth as well as adults. He is an inspirational speaker focused on helping the targets of Internet bullying protect themselves and overcome, as well as helping others to recognize and address troubled relationship patterns. He currently resides in Northern California raising his family, were they attend church and give back to the community. He enjoys playing basketball, traveling, skiing, and book signings as a 3-time author and a Christian spiritual practitioner.One of Ralph’s most passionate commitments is to visiting halfway houses for ex- cons; encouraging those in re-entry to, “Keep hope alive and live your best life now!” Ralph enjoys communicating with others about how his faith helps him to overcome any obstacles of failure. Ralph also enjoys working in sales and acting in commercials. Ralph also impacts Semi -Pro athletes to achieve their goals for possible NBA tryouts. You might wonder how his material success connects to his humanistic and spiritual work. The answer is that his central goal and target is to never give up! He believes in this approach and wants to share it widely. Whether the challenge is a business goal or a spiritual one, this positivity, perseverance and growth mindset is key. Mr. Sander’s first book addressed how he overcame a very public brush with the law and the experience of incarceration as a young man, leaving him with two strikes and a passionate determination to live his best life. He subsequently wrote about confronting a devastating personal experience with Internet bullying. “Held Hostage,” his third book, describes how he nearly “lost it all,” when he became entangled in a toxic relationship, and what his difficult experience taught him.
Mr. Saunders has found his calling in openly sharing his journey. He believes that through a positive outlook and never giving up, we can all turn our past mistakes into trans formative lessons.
“ For there is nothing impossible without God”
– Luke 1:37″ -
Lyrical Poems and Art from the Garden of Nature and Love Volume 1
Nanassy Estera
About the Book
When I first decided to try publishing my poems and art, I knew nothing about the literary publishing industry. I take great pleasure in presenting my favorite poems and the art designed specifically for this book, which is published under GotoPublish. I thought of writing quality poems, which is why all the texts and illustrations in this assemblage are all original works of mine intended to reach a wide audience.This book is a collection of fifty impressionistic pictures, one hundred fifty lyrical poems from the Garden of Nature and Love in English, and one hundred fifty similar lyrical poems in Romanian. Author and artist: Estera Nanassy.
About the Author
Estera Nanassy was born in Bucharest, Romania. On March 5, 1981, she permanently settled in Portland, Oregon together with her husband Zoltan and their son Oliver Zoltan Nanassy. They worked hard to rebuild their life in their new country USA. Raising and later on, helping their son to graduate from Reed College in Portland Oregon, University of Washington Graduate School and Post Doctoral Fellowship in Harvard University.
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